14th August 2019
Cumbria TR Group Mid- Week Evening Meet At Crooklands Hotel

Mid- Week Evening Meet At Crooklands Hotel - Organised By Peter Bonsal ap.bonsall@btinternet.com 01524782610
The aim is to have an informal and convivial evening with a special welcome to all whether regular attendees or not. We would also welcome TR holiday makers who happen to be visiting Cumbria.
Feel free to arrive any time from 6pm onwards. We have an area just below the bar and if the weather permits we can spill outside.
If you would like to eat then food will be served at 7pm. To assist the hotel in preparing the food it would be very useful if you can let me have your orders in advance (either reply to this email or to ap.bonsall@btinternet.com) - by Wed 7th please. You will see the menus attached. The hotel will take additional orders on the night but can't guarantee the timing.
At 6.30pm John is intending to separately hold the final briefing for those travelling to Italy .
Looking forwards to seeing you all there and to good weather!
Jules Group Menu April 19 (1)[4024].pdf