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7th June 2019

Nene Valley - Laon Historiqe 2019

Nene Valley - Laon Historiqe 2019

We intend to take part in the 2019 Laon Historique. Details of the event are here:

Booking can be as a package with a tour company or you can book directly, contact NVTR for details.

The Laon Historique is a huge event (around 300 cars) and will probably fill quickly, so please do join us.

When you fill in the paperwork, state you are with the Nene Valley TR group on route B.

Dates are the weekend of 7th, 8th,9th June 2019. You can book with Scenic Car Tours as a package:

Booking Directly is cheaper:

I have just booked the hotel du tramway in Laon and the Saturday and Sunday events directly. Some of us are going to Folkstone on the Thursday and staying in the Grand Burstin Hotel before the crossing on the Friday (I am using the Eurotunnel)

Hotel du Tramway:;label=New_English_EN_GBIE_5226314545-RnYQj%2AqnIkYg15Re%2ASD5mgS99511068145%3Apl%3Ata%3Ap1%3Ap2%3Aac%3Aap1t1%3Aneg%3Afi%3Atiaud-146342135830%3Adsa-64415224945%3Alp1006917%3Ali%3Adec%3Adm;sid=c5b439e014e358a2d1d9a181eab5bcea;checkin=2019-06-07;checkout=2019-06-10;city=-1437913;highlighted_hotels=3547391;hlrd=with_av;keep_landing=1;redirected=1;source=hotel&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIu7Lp1Z-73gIVybHtCh1qrgHsEAAYASAAEgKP-fD_BwE&

Weekend Event Participation:

It would be great if a number of us could go together so I'd urge you to book soon as it is a huge event!

That's all for now, wrap up warm and keep the hood down!

