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28th April 2019

Tayforth Group - Drive it Day

This year I propose a slightly different format. Instead of the usual 15 car convoy snaking it's way through Perthshire at 40 mph I suggest we set off in smaller groups or individually, depending on our starting point, driving toward a central destination.This would allow individual choice of roads, speed and times.The destination I have in mind is ' The House of Bruar' north of Pitlochry, PH18 5TW.There is ample parking and a large restaurant/cafe on site not to mention a chip shop that will do you a lobster supper.This is a great opportunity for members who are not regular attenders to have a run out and meet the group.It would be really good to see some new faces and cars.If we could plan to arrive between 12 noon to 1 pm.

There will be nothing booked or pre-arranged so no problems with last minute decisions.If you think you might come along let me know.