Manage your membership

13th March 2019

Derbyshire Dales Group AGM 2019

Derbyshire Dales Group AGM 2019

Calling notice for the TR Register Derbyshire Dales group AGM

The Derbyshire Dales group of the TR register will be holding its AGM on 13th of March at the CASA Hotel, Chesterfield in the Barcelona Suite starting at 19.30. Suggest arrival at 19.00 to get drinks from the bar etc.

Please note the points below.

If you would like to stand for any of the four committee positions please issue your nomination to the group leader before or on the February club night the 13th, or email to :-

The positions available are:-

  • Group Leader
  • Treasurer
  • Social Scene Scribe
  • Web editor and group communications

Please note that the four incumbent committee members will be re-standing for election.

As informed last year the four existing committee members have formed a 'steering group'. This team discuss, plan and agree events. The steering group meet once per month, usually 2 weeks before the club night. The existing steering group committee would welcome any volunteers who would like to be co-opted onto the steering group to co-ordinate particular events or for general help in running the group. We suggest a maximum two at any one time. Please advise of your interest as above by the February club night.

Should you wish any proposals to be considered, any issues to be discussed or any matters for debate at the AGM please issue these in writing by the above calling notice date of the 13th of February.

Please note that no other matters other than those issued by the above date will be considered on the night of the AGM.