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17th March 2019

Derbyshire Dales Group Pre-Season Lunch

Derbyshire Dales Group Pre-Season Lunch

Santo's Higham Farm Restaurant and Hotel, Main Road, Higham, Derbyshire, DE55 6EH is the venue for this years lunch organised by Bob Green.

We shall be meeting at Santo's at 1.30pm for a 2.00pm lunch start.

The menu is attached for your information. A deposit of £5 per head will be required in advance. The deadline for menu choices and deposit payments is our AGM club night on 13th March although details and payments in advance of this date would be appreciated. These may be handed over at our February or March club nights or sent directly to;

Bob Green, Hillside Cottage, Hillside, Ashover. Derbyshire. S45 0BY. Tel 01246 590240.

Please make all cheque payments to 'TR Register, Derbyshire Dales Group'

Pre-Season Lunch menu