1st December 2018
Camb Followers' Christmas Dinner & AGM- Final Reminder
A warm invitation to join us for our Christmas evening dinner, and AGM. The venue this year will be the same as last year's event, namely The Bell Inn, Great North Road, Stilton, PE7 3RA. 7.00 for 7.30pm. The menu is enclosed below. The cost will also be the same as last year, namely £28 per person. Due to The Bell Inn requiring advance payment we will need please cash or cheque for the full amount, cheques payable to "TR Register Camb Followers", to be passed to Alan Burwood our Treasurer by 3rd November please. His address is Thorpe House, 9 The Thorpe, Hemingford Grey, Huntingdon, PE28 9DA. burwoodalan@aol.com Menu choices to be given to Dave Burton, email address below, also by 3rd November please.
It has become customary for members to donate a raffle prize at this event, the raffle to be held during the evening. All prizes therefore gratefully received on arrival.
We very much look forward to seeing you there.
As regards the AGM, we always try and keep this short and sweet, and it only occupies a minor part of the evening, taking place after the meal. Should any member wish to be considered for a committee post, please advise Trevor or Dave also by 3rd November. The posts available are:
- Group Leader, including duties of Membership Secretary, Social Scene Magazine and Events email Editor, Data Protection Officer, Chairing of meetings, attendance at annual Group Leader's meeting, Web master, Events Coordinator, Liaising with TR Register office, Directors and Group Leaders.
- Treasurer, including duties of keeping accounts, administering the group bank account, making and receiving payments, claiming allowances from club head office, attending meetings.
- 5 posts on the Events Committee, including duties of assisting, coordinating or organising group social events, attending events committee meetings.
At present the group leader role has been fulfilled by two persons acting together, Dave Burton & Trevor Sherwood, and both are prepared to re stand for election in the same capacity next year. Our current Treasurer Alan Burwood is also happy to re-stand for election next year. Three of the five current Events Committee members are willing to re-stand for election next year, which means that there will be potentially two uncontested Events Committee positions if anyone is interested in contributing.
CHRISTMAS PARTY MENU 2018 £28.00 Dinner per head
Cream of Butternut Squash & Colston Bassett Stilton Soup
Smoked Haddock Pea & Parmesan Gratin
Duck Liver Parfait Cranberry & Orange Relish
Goats Cheese Mousse Beetroot Marmalade, Roasted Walnuts
MAIN COURSES All served with Seasonal Vegetables & Goose Fat Roast Potatoes
Roast Norfolk Turkey All the trimmings
Slow Cooked Beef Braised Red Cabbage
Pan Fried Cod Celeriac Puree, Frizzy Pea Shoots
Wild Mushroom Risotto Parmesan Shavings
Christmas Pudding Whisky Custard
Lemon Posset Meringues, Blackberries
Chocolate Delice Clotted Cream, Orange Caramel
English Cheese Board Colston Bassett, Keens Cheddar,
Freshly Brewed Tea or Coffee with Mints