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30th September 2018

Stoke TR Group Manifold Run

Stoke TR Group Manifold Run

The 2018 Manifold Run is on Sunday 30th September.

Meet at The Hollybush, Denford, ST13 7JT from 11.00 am for coffee and a chat before PROMPT 12.00 noon departure.

Route will take in Cheshire, Staffordshire and Derbyshire scenic drive with stops at points of interest and for refreshments along the way.

We will finish at 4.00pm at the Knights Table, Quarnford, Buxton, SK17 0SN for Sunday lunch style meal, cost £9.95 for 2 courses or £10.95 for 3 courses.

Could you please let me have your main course choices before we set off on the run, (or earlier if you wish) so we can place orders.