19th August 2018
Devon Group - Thornfalcon Classic Show
We are going to attend the Thornfalcon Classic Car Meeting at The Parklands, Henlade nr Taunton. This is one of the south-west's largest gatherings, usually drawing in excess of 600 classic cars, and is informal and free. For those of you who haven't attended before, it is a very relaxed event, involving local Scouts who will be raising money for charity.Booking isn't necessary, it's come and go, as and when you please and food is available. It is primarily a lunch-time meet, from 11.00am to 2.00pm but many people arrive much earlier and some stay later. Some more information can be found on their website http://www.thornfalconclassics.com/event.aspx It is also proposed that, for those who want to, to meet up nearby for a spot of breakfast.I've arranged for us to attend the cafe at Rumwell Farm Shop, Rumwell, Taunton, Somerset, TA4 1EJ. This is just 10 minutes away on the A38 and on the way to Thornfalcon.