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18th July 2018

Wensum Group Invitation to Lea Valley Group Show & Shine Night

TRR Lea Valley Group are organising their second Shine and Show Night on Wednesday 18th of July, 1700 to 2200. We would like to extend an invitation to your group to come along and swell the numbers. We are asking all the local TR groups if they would like to come and hope to get a good gathering of TRs. There will be a cup for the best TR along with various other cups (see flyer attached) and a "Grand Draw" with lots of prizes. This is a good opportunity for the Eastern Area to get to know one another and not just about "shiny cars"

The pub are providing a BBQ serving hot dogs and burgers along with a good selection of real ales and drinks.

We have also asked the local TSSC group and other local car clubs that use the pub as a base. This is not a public event, in as much it is by invitation only, and will not be advertised to the generalpublic.

I have attached a flyer for the event and hope some of your members will be able to attend. It would be helpful that if a little nearer the time you could let me have a rough indication of how many of you can make it.

Contact Phil Sanford email :-> Mob 07919 037321 or or
Dave Solomon email:- Mob 07769676473