13th May 2018

The TR Register has booked a stand at this great classic show for up to 20 TR's, please use the following application form to secure your place. Once you have filled it in, please send it to Phil Horsley GL KVG, so he can coordinate everything with the show organisers and to be able to submit them to meet the deadline, please do this by 30th March 2018, please book early to avoid disappointment.
N.B: It is advisable to get to the show early as there are often long queues to get into the show ground.
The Basingstoke War Memorial Park will once again be filled with over 900 vehicles at the weekend for the Basingstoke Festival of Transport 2018.
As in previous years, there will be a huge range of vehicles on static display, including classic, vintage and commercial vehicles, fire engines, military trucks, and a variety of specialist car clubs, auto jumble, trade stalls and catering outlets.
Whether you're a pure motor buff or you just want an interesting and enjoyable Sunday, this is a great day out for all the family.
The event will be held on Sunday, May 13th 2018 from 11am - 4pm. Public Admission is free and car parking is £2.00.
Here is the booking form: Basingstoke-Festival-of-Transport-Car-Club-Entry-form-TR-Register.pdf