25th March 2018
Glavon Group V Kennet Valley Group Annual Chllenge

Glavon V Kennet Valley Group
Annual Sporting Challenge
Sunday 25th March at 11.30am
The Red Lion, Castle Eaton, Nr. Cricklade. SN6 6JZ
In past years the challenge has involved 10-pin Bowling, Skittles and Crazy golf, yet surprisingly Glavon remains unbeaten. This year the chosen activity is Darts. It's doubtful if anybody has thrown a dart for several decades, if ever, so don't worry if you think you're no good at darts as everybody will be in the same boat and it's bound to be a laugh.
Meet at 11.30am for coffee before the action commences and enjoy lunch afterwards in the conservatory restaurant overlooking the garden and the River Thames.
Please contact Andy West by email a_west@btinternet.com or tel. 01249 782895
To confirm if you want to come along and help uphold Glavon's reputation.