2nd December 2017
Camb Followers Christmas Dinner & AGM

A very warm welcome to join us for our Christmas evening dinner, and AGM. As we had been to the previous venue for several years, we have moved venue this year, and it will take place at The Bell, Stilton. 6.30 for 7pm. The menu is enclosed below. The cost will be £28 per person. Due to the Bell requiring advance payment we will need please cash or cheque for the full amount, cheques payable to "TR Register Camb Followers", to be passed to Alan Burwood our Treasurer before 14th November. His address is Thorpe House, 9 The Thorpe, Hemingford Grey, Huntingdon, PE28 9DA. burwoodalan@aol.com Menu choices to be given to Dave Burton by the same date please.
As regards the AGM, we always try and keep this short and sweet, and it only occupies a minor part of the evening. All nominations for Group posts must be received by Trevor or Dave also by 14th November please. At present it is believed that most if not all of the current post holders are prepared to re-stand , so the formalities can probably be dealt with fairly swiftly.
It has become customary for members to donate a raffle prize at this event, the raffle to be held during the evening. All prizes therefore gratefully received on arrival. We look forward to seeing you there, at what we hope will be an enjoyable conclusion to our TR year.
Roasted Root Vegetable & Colston Bassett Stilton Soup
Smoked Haddock Pea & Parmesan Bake
Gressingham Duck & Pistachio Terrine Smoked Bacon, Tomato & Ginger Chutney
Colston Bassett Stilton Pate Brioche Crumb & Cranberry Vinaigrette
Roast Norfolk Turkey All the trimmings
Slow Cooked Beef Sauerkraut Cabbage
Roast Scottish Salmon Carrot Risotto, Vegetable Crisps
Root Vegetable Gratin Celeriac & Parmesan Topping, Roasted Seeds & Nuts
All served with Seasonal Vegetables & Goose Fat Roast Potatoes
Christmas Pudding Whisky Custard
Treacle Tart Clotted Cream & Caramel Sauce
Cherry & Dark Chocolate Mousse Almond Biscuits & Orange Syrup
English Cheese Board Colston Bassett, Keens Cheddar, Sparkenhoe Red Leicester Biscuits & Chutney
Freshly Brewed Tea or Coffee with Mints