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13th August 2017

Kennet Valley TR Group August Mid Monthly - 25th Annual Classic Vehicle Show in aid of Bloodwise

Kennet Valley TR Group August Mid Monthly - 25th Annual Classic Vehicle Show in aid of Bloodwise

Kennet Valley TR Group will again be supporting the West Berkshire Classic Vehicle Clubs 25th Annual Classic Vehicle Show In aid of Bloodwise. The Kennet Valley TR Group has always been a strong supporter of this event, we invite other TR Register local clubs to come along and enjoy the day with us for this great cause.

West Berkshire Classic Vehicle Club 25th Annual Classic Vehicle Show In aid of the Bloodwise (the new name for Leukaemia & Lymphoma Research Fund). 2017 will be their fourth year at their new permanent home at Newbury College. Their donation to Bloodwise/LLR in 2016 was £12,188 – thanks to the record number of visitors and exhibitors on the day. This brings our total donation from the show to over £128,000!. Thank you as always to everyone for your continued support!

KVG has 20 passes, please contact them here: Email Phil


Here is the booking form you need to send to the organiser's, details are within the form:


We look forward to seeing you there.