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13th November 2016

Red Rose Group - The Antrobus Arms Monthly Meeting

Red Rose Group - The Antrobus Arms Monthly Meeting

Events meeting including the now famous Red Rose Group annual quiz.

Would you like to be the proud owner of the extremely prestigious and much sought after "Bright Sparks Award"?

If so why not come along to the monthly meeting at The Antrobus Arms on Sunday 13th November and pit your wits against some of the finest brains in the register in our annual quiz! Hosted as always by our quiz master David Rhodes.

There will also be an update on our plans for 2017 with news of some exciting events and runs that we have planned for next year. We will also be inviting members to contribute by bringing any ideas for further events to our Annual Events Meeting which will take place in the new year. Don't forget to check the website for further details.

Location: The Antrobus Arms, Antrobus, Cheshire, CW9 6JD
Start Time: 12:00