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3rd September 2016

TR Register Scottish Weekend 2016

TR Register Scottish Weekend 2016


In association with the Bo'ness Speed Hillclimb and Motoring Heritage Weekend


  • £10 per car.
  • Closing date : Sunday 21st August.
Due to the increased number of participating clubs and hence increased number of entrants to the Motoring Heritage Weekend event as a whole, only pre-registered entrants displaying an entry pass will be able to have their cars on the various club stands in the Heritage Showfield. Cars not displaying an entry pass shall, unfortunately, be directed to the public car park.

The TR Register is the main partner for the Heritage Weekend and a full programme of events is planned for both days, with the emphasis on participation and a move away from the static type of car show event, plus of course two days of historic motor sport action. Once again the TR Register is sponsoring the TR only class in the Hillclimb competition, with six TR's taking to the hill to battle it out for honours. It is testament to the standing of the Bo'ness Hillclimb that the full entry of 110-cars of all types and vintages was reached a full two months prior to the event.

Given that 2015 was the first revival of the TR Register Scottish Weekend following a lengthy hiatus there was a reasonable turn-out of some twenty-seven TR's, but we are hoping that this number will be surpassed for 2016, particularly by Scottish members supporting their own Scottish national event. The old adage that 'Nowhere is far in a TR' always rings out as there are always visitors from South of the border, and beyond, at Scottish Weekends.


Saturday 3rd September.

08.00 – Bo'ness Motoring Heritage Showfield opens.

10.00 – Participants for the 'Two Hills Road Run' departs Bo'ness for the Ardgartan Hotel.

12.00 – Convoy arrives at the Ardgartan Hotel for refreshments where soup, sandwiches tea and coffee where soup, sandwiches tea and coffee shall be available at a cost of £4.50 per person.

13.00 – Convoy departs the Ardgartan Hotel for the Rest and Be Thankful where entrants shall be able to drive up the old Hillclimb course. Upon completion of the run entrants are free to make the return journey to their desired location at their own discretion.

17.30 – Participants for the 'Bo'ness Dinner' gather in the Grange Suite of the Macdonald Inchyra Hotel for a 20.00 start. Participation at the dinner is strictly by advance booking at a cost of £32.00 per peson.

Sunday 4th September

08.00 – Motoring Heritage Showfield opens. Entrants are asked to be in their positions by 10.00. Only cars displaying the Motoring Heritage Weekend Entrant card on their windscreen shall be allowed entry to the showfield, any car not displaying an entry card shall be directed to the public car park.

10.00 – Activities in the Showring commence.

The 'Driving Skills Challenge' open to individuals and teams of three from participating clubs.

Interviews with the owners of participating cars and general features of interest.

Judging for the Bo'ness Concours commences on club stands.

Judging for the Best Club Stand commences.

12.30 – 13.30 – Lunch Break

13.30 – Activities in the Showfield recommence.

15.00 – Entrants for the Bo'ness Concours enter the Showring.

16.00 – Presentation of all trophies as follows,

Bo'ness Motoring Heritage Weekend Concours – First, Second and Third.

Bo'ness Motoring Heritage Weekend Club Stand Competition – First, Second and Third.

Bo'ness Driving Skills Challenge – Individual Winner and Team Winners.

Bo'ness Motoring Heritage Weekend Distance Award.

Bo'ness Motoring Heritage Weekend Spirit of the Event Award.

18.00 – Showfield closes.

General Information

  • 1.The Closing date for entry to the Motoring Heritage Weekend is 21st August 2016.
  • 2.The entry fee also enables access to all of the Bo'ness Hillclimb spectator areas.
  • 3.Only registered entrants for the Motoring Heritage Weekend displaying the windscreen entry card will be eligible to display their car in the Showfield. Cars not displaying an entry card shall unfortunately be directed to the public car park.
  • 4.Entry packs shall start being posted out on Monday 15th August.
  • 5.It is hoped that entrants understand the necessity for a prescribed closing date to enable detailed planning as knowledge of the number of cars for the 'Two Hills Road Run', the number of cars on each club stand and number of entrants for the Bo'ness Concours is imperative to enable the smooth running of the event on the day.