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24th April 2016

Drive it Day - Devon visit Montacute House

Drive it Day - Devon visit Montacute House

...starting with a coffee stop at 10am at the Monkton Court Hotel. Then a scenic drive, including Ham Hills with the views over the Somerset levels, to Montecute House. There you can have a Picnic or if you prefer to have a light lunch in their restaurant. Montecute House is described as:- A masterpiece of Elizabethan Renaissance architecture and design. With its towering walls of glass, glow of ham stone, and its surrounding gardens it is a place of beauty and wonder. If you are a National trust member, there is no charge to view the house and gardens, however if not, should you wish to view the property they do make a charge, this goes towards the upkeep of these amazing properties, I hope you feel like me it is well worth it. To round the day off we intend having a pleasant return drive closer to home before stopping at the White Horse, Woodbury Salterton Nr Exeter to have a meal, so this is really a full drive it day. Numbers required urgently please..