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February 2015

February 2015

John Hussey reports: "As the dark evenings are upon us there is not much to report on but loads to look forward to in 2015 with Wharfedale. I suspect that most of our TRs are safely put away and a long list of jobs ready for their reappearance in Spring.

Our meeting in December was warmed up by a trip to a local Curry Restaurant, an excellent evening enjoyed by almost 25 of us and definitely on the "to repeat" list. Thanks to the Baileys for organising the venue. I certainly made the most of repeat visits to the Buffet Table!

By the time this report hits your doorsteps our late Christmas Do will have taken place, I am sure a full report will appear in the next issue of TR Action. An event in January seems to suit most people, something to look forward to after Christmas panics.

This thought also leads me nicely to the next bit of this report—our AGM will have happened! Hopefully lots of lively discussion will have taken place and we will have a full programme of events to look forward to in 2015.

To finish off, thanks to all our members, old and new, for making 2014 a cracking TR year. I have certainly enjoyed myself ; we have had great fun with other Groups and Wharfedale have had an excellent time together. Roll on 2015!"

Wharfedale Group

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