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January 2015

January 2015

Ken Bailey reports: "Wharfedalers continue to enjoy the Winter Warmer of a cosy meal in good company when any talk of mechanically propelled vehicles is totally optional ("Phew!" we hear the lady members sigh!) October saw us at Murgatroyd's fish and chip restaurant yet again as certain members have a slight predilection for the chipped potato and the harvests of the sea! We are nothing if not adventurous and experimental with regard to our dining experiences!

November was a different story. We were to venture out to the Harrogate area for our monthly meeting. On the day of the meal a telephone call by our group leader, Stan, to confirm numbers was met with "Sorry old chap we are closed ". This would have sent the Pope into expletives... but not Stan, he was very controlled (so we are led to believe). With the help of the red faced proprietor (the Samaritans were not involved at any point) a suitable replacement venue was found at the last minute. Frantic telephone calls and emails ensued to bemused members, some of whom thought this was merely a sinister ploy to return to Murgatroyd's yet again for fish and chips!

The Pine Marten, near to Harlow Carr Gardens, was the replacement venue. This proved to be a more than satisfactory substitute with good food and a great atmosphere, and the added bonus of a private room. After the meal Stan updated the members with TR news and detailed his exploits regarding the rearranging of the venue. Stan efficiently distributed the new club shirts (Stan's planned system of club shirt sorting was obviously thrown into confusion by the sudden shock of the issue of the closed venue but as always he coped admirably). All present saw the funny side of his last minute antics.

Three intrepid Wharfedale chaps attended the Classic Car show at the NEC on Saturday 15th November. Keith drove down and the other two rested their eyes; thankfully Keith didn't. The venue was excellent and there was much to see, so much so that we could have done with two days rather than one. Martin Baines, another Wharfedale member, was encountered on the TR stand. Was this chance encounter anything to do with the complementary coffee and biscuits, courtesy of the TR Register? Keith bought his annual supply of latex gloves, Stan bought some wet and dry sanding pads and Ken spent his usual pound, so his reputation is still intact and he consequently remains a bone fide Yorkshireman."

In the absence of a more recent picture we have included a picture of some Wharfedale members on the first run of 2014, the May Spring Clean run. The owners of the two non-TRs also own TR6s. SL.

Wharfedale Group

Click the pins for meeting details, venue information and times