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Winter 2015

Winter 2015

The Winter monthly meetings have been good humoured and featured discussion of a wide range of subjects – mostly with a mechanical theme. A number of members have undertaken work on their TRs over the winter period and have benefitted from practical and moral support. Amongst them the group leader Ian Viles has recently suffered a setback having fallen and broken his left wrist. However, group members have rallied round offering 'helpful' health and safety tips as well as lifts and practical support on the now behind schedule list of jobs on his TR7. Steve Brough is making good progress on the restoration of his TR6 and all being well it should return to the road in the forthcoming season.

We chatted about the forthcoming season at the March meeting at The Seven Oaks Inn; some key dates in the Trent Group diary include:

Drive It Day – 24th April 2016, a 40 mile cross country meander to Belvoir Castle.

Donington Historic Festival – 30th April to 2nd May 2016. Trent attending on Sunday 1st May.

Nottingham Autokarna – 5th June 2016, this event organised by the Pre-War Austin Seven Club is staged in the grounds of Wollaton Park and one of the the biggest shows in the Trent area. Trent will be displaying in the clubs paddock.

Ilkeston Heritage & Classic Vehicle Show – 14th August 2016, this will be the fourth show organised by Erewash Partnership with support from the Trent Group following on from last year's successful event, which attracted over 200 vehicles and 4,000 visitors. The photo is Trent Group at Ilkeston in 2014. Booking via or Trent Group.

There will also be plenty of other weekend and evening events going on in the Trent area.

Trent Group

Click the pins for meeting details, venue information and times