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TR Lincs September 2017 Report

TR Lincs September 2017 Report


I bet you've all been wondering where has our group leader gone? Truth is there hasn't been much to tell you with August being very quiet with no regular TR Lincs Sunday runs and most people off on their summer holidays. I sit here writing this in our caravan with the rain lashing down in North Wales where we've been for the last week. It is such a shame as there are some fantastic TR friendly routes criss-crossing Snowdonia with fantastic views, even through the rain. This change in weather of course signals the beginning of the end of another TR season – boo! Good news is that we're not finished yet and hopefully we'll be able to get another few runs under our belts before winter sets in. It was nice to see some members that hadn't been to our meetings for a little while at Wragby last month, good to see you again Jeff and Bryan. A warm welcome also to our latest new TR Lincs group members Barrie Edmunds from Heighington and Nick Mayo from Brant Broughton, we hope to see you out and about soon! Anyway that's enough from me for now. Please take the time to look through the rest of the newsletter and see you at our next monthly meeting on the 18th September.

all the best

Adrian Lawton - Group Leader

Celia has done it!

Massive congratulations to Celia Dawson for completing her 96 mile walk through the Scottish Highlands. This as you know was to raise money for "RP Fighting Blindness" a condition as all of you will know is very close to her heart. You can read all about her adventures by clicking on THIS LINK and of course she would still welcome any donations.

TR Lincs Tour 2018

The results of the survey on where would TR Lincs like to tour in 2018 are as follows.

Total number of responses - 28

Interested in joining a tour - 64%

Top 3 locations

Northern Spain 82%, Belgium 47%, Scotland 23 %

Preferred month to travel

June or September

It looks then that there are two front runners for next year with Spain leading the pack and Belgium following. It may be that we run two trips next year with a longer tour to Spain (to max out on the 24 hour ferry crossing each way) and an extended weekend break to Belgium .

The best way forward then is to call "Tour 2018" get together to look at the options and indicative costs to decide the best way forward. Look out for the invitation in due course and try to get along as the more input we get the better the result.

Events since the last newsletter

As I said up front it has been a quiet few weeks with holidays and no TR Lincs events although there have been a few events that some of you have been along to.

Derek Pywell attended the TR Register track day held at Blyton on the 29th of August to give the new engine on his hill climb Spitfire a shakedown. All went well and more valuable experience gained. Camb Followers organised a run to East Kirby Aviation Heritage Centre and opened it up to TR Lincs members on the 7th of September.

Up and Coming

Sunday 17th September - 3rd Annual Classic Wheels Event

A chance for you to visit the leisure capital of the world before it all closes down for the year. Not a TR Register event but promises a variety of attractions from the classic world. It's held at the Skegness Water Leisure Park close to Butlins with free entry for pre-1985 cars. Full details of the event can be found by clicking HERE.

Monday 18th September - Monthly Meeting

Our regular monthly meeting at the Turnor Arms, Wragby commencing 8pm.

Lincolnshire Group

Click the pins for meeting details, venue information and times