TR Lincs April 2016
It's official then, the season has finally started with the roar of TR's heard up and down the county - well a few early season coughs and splutters anyway. We have already had two excursions out and the details of those follow this. Snetterton Swinging Sixties - aka the boat race, 9th April As many of you know Dave McDonald is a regular competitor in the Swinging Sixties Classic racing series. Last Saturday saw the first race of the season held at Snetterton. To support Dave a few intrepid souls convoyed down to Norfolk in what was pretty miserable weather to cheer Dave on. The weather decided to take a turn for the worse soon after arrival, so much so that the Wensum group, who were to join us, were rained off. Hardy lot us TR Linc' ers! Dave's qualifying session saw him 7th on the grid for the afternoon race ably assisted by Alan Coote as pit crew. Given the terrible conditions and the unforgiving surface and a spin off Dave finished a credible 14th overall in a time of 41minutes and 19.981seconds over 12 laps covering some 35.6 miles. Well done and good luck for the rest of the series. Dave hoping for some dry track! We're a hardy lot! Next Events Our next major event on the calendar is our contribution to Drive It Day by attending the County Wheels Day at Jubilee Park, Woodhall Spa. For those interested we will meet in the car park at Wragby to arrive in convoy at Jubilee Park, of course those who live closer to Woodhall can drive directly there. Times will be circulated nearer the event. For those that haven't paid their £4 per car entry fee can they please contact Phil O'Hara to arrange payment.Early May sees the running of the annual Tour of Lincs 100. I know many of us are taking part and if you are can you please click on this link to give me an idea whose going. May 15th will see us setting off from Hartsholme Park in Lincoln for a TRs day at the seaside. If you haven't already let Peter Rowlands know that you're intending to come along then can you please do so by clicking on his name. We will be resurrecting the Sand Castle completion so remember to bring your bucket and spade! The full calendar of events can be found here. ... and Finally |