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TR Lincs February 2016

The sun is shining and I bet some of you have already ventured out, how many with the hood down I wonder? It'll not be too long before we start off on our 2016 season. The close up events already planned are listed over on the right hand side of this page, but you'll see there is plenty of opportunity for you to organise those runs that are currently not planned. If you would like to plan one, especially for March, or have ideas for a suitable destination for one that someone else could arrange then please let me know and we can start to fill in some of the blanks for this year. See the end of this newsletter of how to get hold of the full calendar.

Annual General Meeting, 21st January

A great turnout at the AGM this year with over 25 members in attendance. A big thank you to Dave Burgess for chairing the meeting and directing proceedings. It was interesting to learn of some of the changes anticipated within the TR Register nationally and the changes to the Regalia supplier. Equally the fact that TR Lincs was one of the few groups that actually hold an AGM to elect its officers and approve its finances. Anyway the key outcome was the election of officers for 2016 and they are:-

Group Leader - Adrian Lawton
Secretary - Allyson Pywell
Treasurer - Malcolm Brown
Spares Coordinator - Bob Smith
Competition Secretary - Dave McDonald

Thanks to all that came along and participated and my thanks to the rest of the officers for providing their services for another year.

Woodhall Spa, January 26th

We had an excellent turn out at our Annual Dinner held at the Village Limits in Woodhall Spa again this year. Good company, good conversation and food made for a perfect evening. Our 2017 Dinner will be held on January 14th and suggestions for a suitable venue will be gratefully received. Perhaps somewhere to the east of the county or perhaps further south? An ideal venue would have a car park, a few rooms should anyone wish to stay over and perhaps a private dinning room/area. Know of the perfect place then let me know.

Karting Night, February 4th

Julia Prebble sportingly organised a Karting event in Lincoln as an antidote to an otherwise miserable February night. We had 12 karts running over two sessions giving the opportunity for some to go the whole period and others to take a break and swap over with another driver. Special mention has to go to the ladies who returned some impressive times through what occasionally was some fairly hairy overtaking manoeuvres. Everyone enjoyed the experience and the Haywood team certainly were up to the challenge with the lap record being broken on the night. The evening was rounded off by a Fish & Chip supper at the Thorold Arms, Harmston welcomed by some tired and sore Karters!

2016 Programme

As we approach the start of the season I have put the forthcoming events our programme. The programme is available via a variety of sources to suit your preferred way of receiving it. Here are the ways in which you can check on what's coming up.

1. Via the TRLincs page on the TR Register web site.
As you know with the launch of the revised web site for the TR Register we are able to directly add our own local content to our individual group pages. All the forthcoming events for the TRLincs are listed on our home page and can be accessed by clicking on this link. Add it as a bookmark to your internet browser to take you directly there.

2. As a PDF file from our own TRLincs Google Drive
I know some prefer something to hang behind the kitchen door as opposed to using a computer to see what's coming up. So for you guys there is a PDF version that you can download and print off to hang up(yes I know you have to use a computer to get to it). Once again you can access that by clicking on this link.

3. Google Calendar
For those who are a bit more computer savvy you can also view our events by accessing the TRLincs calendar on Google calendar. You can attach this calendar to your calendar systems on any Smartphone or PC calendar system. Useful if you want to check on an event if you're away from your PC. This you can access by clicking on this link.

4. Monthly Meeting
If all of the above leave you cold then of course you can always find out what's going on at our regular monthly meeting held on the 3rd Monday of each month and the Turnor Arms, Wragby.

So there's no excuse to see what's going on. Keep the ideas coming for runs and outings though, it's your input that makes the group work.

and finally for me ..............

1956 must have been a good year for something and this year, 2016, sees a number of us reaching a milestone birthday. I won't say which particular milestone but some say it's the new 50. So a TRLIncs happy birthday to Veronica Parnham and Allyson Pywell for your special day this month and it's Valentine's Day so I hope you've all bought that special TR in your life something nice.

Lincolnshire Group

Click the pins for meeting details, venue information and times