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LTRG AGM and monthly meeting

LTRG AGM and monthly meeting

Allan Westbury led the meeting and the AGM.

Where have we been or what have we done since the last meeting?

Mick Forey has taken his TR3 to a paint shop in Derby for an insurance repair to the rear wing after being nudged by a lorry on the M1.

Bob's TR6. 14 volunteers from the LTRG pulled a blue 1972 TR6 out of a damp barn after 21 years in hibernation.

It was manhandled into Mick's workshop, over the road. 3 hours later the engine was running on new fuel and swapping out the ignition system and one injector. Another hour saw it make its way under its own power down the drive after we changed the clutch master and slave cylinders, the clutch was not even stuck on! Bob was amazed and very thankful to everybody who helped.

Since then 6 of us have changed all of the very corroded brake components with new or good used parts. Thanks for the donations of parts, it was much appreciated. The objective is to make the car safe on the road to take Bob, who is now 80, in a wheelchair, for a drive. They can then decide what to do with the car. It will need a lot of work to make it a good car out of it. It would make an excellent project for somebody else. The recommendation is that he sells it. It would be good if we can get it through an MOT to increase its value for him. Well done LTRG.

The Pink Ladies held a craft day in Linda's studio: lots of natter, craftyness, coffee and "diamond cookies". Linda had lost a diamond from a ring whilst gardening or making the cookies: not found so far.

The annual Chef & Spice buffet was attended by 10 LTRG members who together with a very large contingent of Ramblers raised over £1,800 for the local Air Ambulance. It was a really good meal in good company, well done all.

Ginge and Gaylene are busy planning the annual LTRG dinner at the Millers, Sibson on Saturday 20 January. Please let Jennie know if you plan to attend: only 10 people have responded so far. Book your room directly with the hotel by calling them on 01827 880223.


Allan opened the AGM asking the existing group leader to step down - easy as we don't have one but a loose committee helping to keep the ship pointing in the right direction. Thanks to all those that stepped up to this over the last 12 months.

Allan proposed that Andy Moltu be elected as helmsman to coordinate the loose committee and represent the group externally, seconded by Andy Holyoak, agreed unanimously. Thanks Andy. You will get a lot of support from others.

Mick proposed that Martin Faulkner. be elected as group Treasurer (as he has done a splendid job), seconded by Reg, and agreed unanimously. Thanks Martin, it is much appreciated.

The Treasurer's report was circulated before the meeting. Martin asked for questions:

David G. asked "what is the plan for all the money we have accumulated over the years?" We have approx. £3k in the bank. A good discussion around subsidising annual diners, events etc. or buying more equipment to support the group. Andy M. will pull the ideas together and propose a plan or policy. However, in the meantime, we decided to buy an additional sail flag and V support from the unspent £150 grant from the club. Andy H. will order this from the office asap.

The position of scribe was still vacant but up to 6 members volunteered to take it in turns to write TRipe, thank you.

Allan closed the AGM.

Future meetings:

The December meeting will be on the 14th December as the normal 3rd Thursday was too close to Christmas. The pub will be serving food but we can take our own mince pies etc. and don't forget your Christmas jumper. Andy H will lead the meeting.

February meeting will be a quiz lead by Rachel.

March meeting will be a talk from the Great Central Railway

Event ideas for 2024:

Del can arrange for us to visit the Prodrive factory for a tour of the facilities and cars. He will try to fix a date when there are cars to see.

Various people have volunteered to run breakfast meetings once the weather improves.

Dave G. has volunteered to organise another LTRG weekend away to somewhere nice. Many thanks David.

See you all on the 14th December.

Leicestershire Group

Click the pins for meeting details, venue information and times