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Drive it Day 2016

Drive it Day 2016

What a day, we started early, well early for me on a Sunday, leaving home a little before 9am, filled up with fuel then making my way to the Monkton Court Hotel where we were to meet for coffee. The air was cold so we had wrapped up warm and the car was going really lovely, I was pleased when glancing in my mirror I saw another TR6 in the distance, seconds later it passed me with the passenger waving profusely before disappearing into the distance.

When we arrived at the Monkton as usual the car park was full of TR's - last again I thought although there were a few later arrivals that turned up even after me. As I entered the Hall a welcome open fire and smell of coffee hit you, the place was full and everyone was chatting and drinking while the staff were topping up and passing around the biscuits. After about have an hour Den Hobbs who had arranged the Day explained to us all the details of what he had organised.

The weather had warmed as the sun was out so we made our way with a scenic dive to Ham Hill, a loo break for the oldies and a quick ice cream while overlooking the Somerset Levels. Then it was off to Montecute House a National Trust property and Gardens, they had arranged special parking area in the stable yard where we set the cars out for a Photo Shoot, It was nice to see Peter and Maureen Clark with his really nice TR7, while they haven't been to our meetings while I've been GL they have been members for some time. All the cars seemed popular with a steady stream of the public examining them and taking photos and of course with our own heads under the bonnets examining our fellow member's cars any changes and upgrades before off for a picnic a walk around the gardens, Viewing the House, Shop and tea room, then back to the stable yard for more bonnet watching then setting off again for an enjoyable dinner and chat at the Five Dials Pub for dinner which rounded off our Day.

I'd like to thank Dennis Hobbs who with wife Jenny, Barbara and Derek Hill organised this fabulous day.

Devon Group

Click the pins for meeting details, venue information and times