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51 Castlesteads Drive

Sandsfield Park



Tel;- 01228 497861/07775 944 786 November 8th. 2023

TR Register Cumbria Group

"Si fractum non sit, noli id reficere"

Greetings Cumbria Group,

Newsletter 3/23.

Following on from a very successful business meeting on Sunday last at Crooklands,

There is lots of stuff you need to know about our plans for next year.

But firstly, Poshus Noshus, Saturday December 2 nd , if you are coming then you should

really have paid Dave Couling by now, so that final numbers can be fixed..

Now our AGM is Sunday February 4 th back at Crooklands hotel. Format as in

previous years with all the usual - adoption of group accounts, finalising our 2024

programme, award of prizes, and election of club officers for 2024.


Anne Whitehead………. Group Secretary

Peter Bonsall……………Membership,

Dave Couling………...…Accounts,

Brian Pugh………………South of the County,

and John Morrison…………...Group leader.

Mark Sindle our web man, points out that he has been retired over 20 years now, so is

somewhat out of touch with the latest in IT. If we had someone who could take over

this role and take a dekko at a revamp of our group website, that would be beneficial,

so can anyone help?

Our annual spares trip is down to Coventry Saturday Feb 10 th with an overnight in the

Premier Inn South, Coventry, then after a full English on to the show Sunday 11th.

Now I managed to reserve four twins at said Premier Inn, (The maximum they will

allow an individual to reserve) these are allocated as follows;-

John Morrison…….sharing with Mark Powley

Steve Hinde……….sharing with Alan Pattinson

Ken Wilson……….sharing with Jim Milligan

Dave Couling…….. sharing with ‘Titch’

We’ll finalise travelling at the AGM, I have Mark P, Alan P and Steve H in my car.

Now a word about costs; for the above mentioned folk.

Rooms are £64.00 i.e. £32 00 per person.

Breakfast £10.00 and I have all our tickets for the show at the pre paid price of

£13.50, (£15.00 on the day)

So each of the above will owe me, on the day, a total of £55 50. One final note, no

refund is available to me from Premier Inn, after January 17 th , so if you change plans,

you are financially committed after that date, - before then we can get a refund.

In addition to the above, others are travelling as well, so we can include anyone else,

get in touch if you fancy what is a great social as well as useful trip.

First Sundays in March and April will be as per our programme,

and then this year our annual adventure trip to Fort William will be

Monday April 22 nd to Friday April 26 th .

For many this is the highlight of our year, and the single event, anticipated the most.

Accommodation, I’ll organise the gazebo, electrics and those staying in tents, so far I

have, Viv, Ken and Mark Powley, tenting, anyone else let me know.

Those wanting other accommodation, i.e. cottages, caravans or pods need to book

their own accommodation directly with the campsite;-

Glen Nevis on 01397 702191, remember Mon Apr 22 nd through to Fri Apr 26 th . For

those who have not driven the West Coast of Scotland, then you should know, there is

no finer driving in the UK for our cars.

Cottages and Caravans can be booked now, pods and tents from around the 1 st of

December…… F.Y.I; - Doreen and I have already booked a caravan.

Thursday May 2 nd , is provisionally Appleby Rotary’s annual charity car run, comes

very highly recommended and is restricted on entries, if you are thinking about

participating - don’t, just do it, you will not be disappointed. Info from Neil Marland,

probably early in December.

Sunday May 5 th back to programme, and The Christine Wilson Memorial Run, by

Steve and Ros Hinde.

May 15 th ;- Three sisters race meet, You may remember, Peter Bonsall mentioning this

at the meeting, here is the email, from Register competitions man, Kevin Bryant;-


Good evening Group Leaders,

Would you be kind enough to include the following event in your events

calendar for 2024 please?

It’d be great if you could encourage members to attend, be that to take part in

the track day or simply to come along, watch and chat. These details will

appear in the next issue of TR Action and the places will go on sale in the new


I don’t have full details yet, the circuit hasn’t confirmed their prices for 2024, but we’ve

booked the Three Sisters Circuit for Wednesday 15 May 2024. We’ll be using the full circuit

and will be able to have up to ten cars on the track at any one time. Up to forty places will be

available meaning a 15 minute session every hour from 9am to 5pm, with the exception of

an hour for lunch. It will be open to road legal cars only meaning no slicks. There will be a

noise limit that standard cars will easily pass. All drivers will need to have a full licence which

will need to be shown on the day. The circuit requires all drivers and passengers to have a

helmet and these can be hired on the day for £10.00.

Wednesday June 5 th , will be an All-Day Run into Yorkshire by Graham Dalzell.

Sunday June 16 th through to Wednesday June 19 th – Jim and Anne are looking to

organise an Air B & B event over on the east Yorkshire coast, they need numbers for

this now, to enable them to look at accommodation.

June 28 th to 30 th is The TR Register Weekend this year back at the best venue ever at

Malvern. We won’t have a group stand, but there are several of us planning to get

down there, it is a special event in a lovely part of the world and comes highly


Sunday July 7th we are in the capable hands of Mark and Anita for an all-day run.

Sunday August 4 th We plan a two night stay over at The Riverdale Hotel at

Bellingham, we have stayed here before, great location for touring, reasonable rates,

good food and dog friendly rooms, I did not make a note of those who expressed an

interest at the meet so I need to know numbers now please – so as not to disappoint!

Our special group rate for DB&B is £94.00 per person per night, (Usual rate is £109)

And we can have kind of room we want, double, twin dog friendly etc.

Sunday September 1 st is yet to be arranged (Though I do have a cunning plan)

primarily because on Wednesday 4 th , the group plans a nine day trip to Austria to

include The Grossglockner Pass, Saltzburg and The Mercedes Benz Museum at

Stuttgart. Steve Hinde is doing the work on this one, and he needs an idea of numbers

to work with, folks you only live once and this will be another box ticked on many

bucket lists.

The Spa, 6 hr. endurance weekend is the last week in September, we’ve been before

but not for some time, is there any interest in looking at going this year?

Wednesday October 2 nd , we have a picnic run West Cumberland Way planned by Jim

and Joyce, and on the 16 th an Autumn Leaves Run by Mark and Anne Sindle.

So a full and very varied programme, I’m sure you’ll all agree. We have a great

group, with many folk prepared to be actively involved, and my thanks to you all.

Please get back to the relevant folk with your thinking on what you plan to do,

As ever, any queries – well just ask……… John.

Cumbria TRs Group

Click the pins for meeting details, venue information and times