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TRAction 312 Feb 2019

TRAction 312 Feb 2019

Just a brief report this time round as I am writing on a cold February day anticipating better weather to come-I hope! Following our Christmas and New Year festivities we have continued to meet at the Aviator in Sywell and held our AGM in February. I am pleased to have been elected as Group Leader for 2019 with Mike Scott as our esteemed Treasurer. We are looking forward to working as a group to get stuck into as many activities as possible. We hope to join forces with other groups on our events, especially our good friends and neighbours in the Leicestershire Group, having successfully collaborated on excellent sorties in the past!

So, not long till the heatwave arrives and meanwhile here my attempt at a 70s press photo!

Nene Valley Group

Click the pins for meeting details, venue information and times