Click here for details of the British Motor Show, Farnborough.

Nene Valley Social Scene March 2018 TRAction 304

Nene Valley Social Scene March 2018 TRAction 304

Well, spring must be on its way and hopefully with some sunnier weather! We have met at our new venue a number of times now and the Aviator at Sywell really is a great place to base our classic car activities-what better than a historic airfield with plenty of history and a friendly atmosphere? We are planning a large number of events for 2018 and also hoping to promote local groups joining together to increase the fun factor-something we have already enjoyed with our friends in the Leicester Group and also in the Stag Owners' Club. As we come out of the icy depths of winter there is not much more to report at the moment, so happy motoring and hope to see you at a meeting or event la

Nene Valley Group

Click the pins for meeting details, venue information and times