Camb Followers- Proposed tour of Nene Valley Railway and "Tornado" locomotive
Hi All
Jim, a relative of one of our group, works as a volunteer at Nene Valley Railway. There is a special engine (Tornado) due to visit Nene Valley Railway in early May for a few days. Tornado was built new at Darlington works in 2008 being a reproduction of an LNER Peppercorn class locomotive. In 2017 it was the first steam locomotive to exceed 100 mph in the last 50 years on a british main line track.
Jim is able to take a group of us around the sheds to meet some of the volunteers and see what they do, along with looking around the Tornado engine.
It is also believed he can sort out footplate trips, (unfortunately not on Tornado)
We are trying to establish if this would be of interest to members for a mid week visit, which would have to be between 8-11th of May, with Wednesday 9th May being the possible preferred date at present. However Jim can only lead a tour when he is not rostered to work there on other volunteer duties, so until his roster is know there is a degree of uncertainty concerning the exact date between 8-11th May.
(For anyone who can't manage the Camb Followers group visit dates, but would like to see Tornado at Nene Valley, it will be arriving on the railway Wednesday 2nd May and will leave Monday 14th May.)
Can anyone who is interested please contact me by email on advising on which dates between 8-11th May inc they would be available to go. We can then work out if a trip is viable , and on which date. Can you please respond by 5th April if you are interested.
Thank you