5th July 2017
Camb Followers - Evening visit to Radical Sports Cars, Peterborough

We have arranged an evening visit to Radical Sports Cars, 24 Ivatt Way Business Park, Westwood, Peterborough PE3 7PG at 7.30 pm on Wednesday 5th July. I am sure it will be a very interesting evening. To quote from their website, "Radical set out to create a new niche in the sportscar scene offering drivers incredible performance for a realistic price, and their success is born out in the sales figures. As we enter our third decade with a fresh brand perspective, high-performance range and thrilling championship portfolio, over 2,000 Radical owners can't be wrong."
The tour will take about one and a half hours. If time permits we can adjourn to the Green Man pub at Marholme to conclude the evening.
As we need to know numbers, can you please confirm you attendance to Dave Burton at: davidburton14@btinternet.com by 1st July.