Wensum Group latest committee meeting minutes
Wensum Group 10th new Committee meeting 21 November 2024
Ann Hill
Mark Winter
Iain Fisher
John Elliot
Richard Ireson
Tony Giles
Adrian Richmond
Mike Salmon
Phil Ginn
Graham Andrews
Mark Winter opened the meeting at 14:32
Over the previous few weeks;
Our thanks went out to Graham Andrews for his support and hard work as Group Leader over our transitional period and he was presented with two bottles of wine as gift at the Monday evening meeting.
Through the WhatsApp forum we were able to organise the finance responsibilities to the new committee and voted on a new Technical advisor (Graham Andrews) to help the committee.
It was decided to invite the Area Manager (Andy Holyoaks) over for the next committee meeting on the 21st November allowing questions to be asked and the TR Register’s viewpoint provided. We organised the meeting in Kings Lynn and during the day for this reason but unfortunately in the end he was unable to attend.
1.Clarification of Financial procedure to withdraw money.
We have applied to the bank, and once we have approval for Mark Winter as a signatory, we can change the details and look for John to initiate and Mark to countersign withdrawals.
Money spent over the last few weeks by Tony for Grahams presentation and Anne for Christmas function will need refunding.
2. Formalisation of Technical position.
Graham Andrews was voted unanimously via the WhatsApp page as a new committee member as a technical advisor and this is the confirmation.
3. Strategy for Monday and Whitwell meetings.
We discussed this and agreed a good time to start the Monday meeting would be at 7:30pm, Information would include
a. TR Register announcements.
b. Welcoming the existing and new members.
c. What’s on in the foreseeable future.
d. Technical questions from members.
e. Special notices.
The Whitwell meeting time is 12 ish, announcements will start at 1:30pm
Mark to email the TR register to identify the pathway of information from the Register to us and will contact them each month to check if any changes or announcements need to be made to the members.
We will test the Email link of the minutes of the meeting and events calendar to ensure all members are able to access the information. (Mike to look at the links presented to members and check they work properly and provide they give the correct information.)
This link will also be provided through the WhatsApp page, if members do not want to follow the link they can read the text to find the information.
4. Christmas party information.
Bookings are now complete and there is no more space available.
Anne will be passing any information via the WhatsApp page.
5. Event planning for 2025.
There are currently no details for next year, this needs to be improved. Details of the 2025 events will be passed on to members through the calendar, alongside the 2024 events by Anne.
Different methods to publicise the events were discussed including Google calendar. This will be tested and feedback provided to the committee at the next meeting.
The limited variety of events and trips has been noted by the committee and due to the large number of people in the Wensum club not all events are relevant to their needs.
As a committee we are trying to organise what the club members want.
Each member of the committee will look to organise one event in the near future.
Mark will gain information about a Jersey and Guernsey break
The Committee will get information about the Holland TR international
Other members of the committee will look at different county wide events.
Other club members have taken on board small trips and they have been very successful, if anyone would like to help us organise an event that would be fantastic, we then need to formalise this on the TR website, this can be done through any committee member. Anne contacted the TR Register about car runs and they responded by stating all events or runs need to be formalised.
6. Decide how information is passed on when members organise their own drive outs. I.E. calendar / Magazine / WhatsApp.
Wensum group Drive outs should go through the WhatsApp platform.
Calendar will be updated by Anne.
Magazine write ups through Anne, the reports will be retrospective, any report will start with “Committee lead” instead of the group leader and will identify the monthly meetings and point out the calendar for event information.
7. Other Car clubs in the area; points on how they will affect our club and whether their events should be publicised by us.
Advertised on the Stag publication, David Solomon has set up a car club and will be organising it through a WhatsApp forum. We have discussed this and are aware.
Due to the circumstances of David leaving the Wensum group no communication to this group will be forthcoming from the committee.
Different car club events will be publicised as before.
8. WhatsApp effectiveness and best practice .
There are large volume of chats on the WhatsApp group.
Group members should be aware that every message or picture will be received by 105 members.
This is appropriate for the transfer of information and enjoyment for the members but we should try to chat privately once a request is made, such as “could you send me your Menu request.”
Chats about technical issues were discussed and the committee feel this is an important aspect of the club.
9. Mail chimp
This is a platform for many different tasks (reports etc), which we can use in the future as well as sending emails.
10. Any other business:
“Annual Members meeting” will be held on February 10th at the Bird in hand.
Date for next Committee Meeting 23rd Jan at 16:00
Meeting closed at 17:35
Positions of responsibility to clarify the roles
Anne Hill:- Event coordinator TR Register magazine and run organiser
Mark Winter:- General secretary and liaison with the area manager
Iain Fisher:- Whitwell venue coordinator
John Elliot:- Treasurer
Richard Ireson:- BIH Venue coordinator
Tony Giles:- Membership Secretary
Mike Salmon:- TR Register website coordinator
Adrian Richmond:- Group Photography
Phil Ginn:- Committee member
Graham Andrews :- Technical Advisor
Thanks to member Phil Jones for the use of the photograph of his car, which is currently for sale.