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Wensum Group committee minutes June 2024

Wensum Group committee minutes June 2024

8th New Committee meeting 14/06/24

The last meeting minutes were briefly discussed and agreed by the committee

Ann Hill
Graham Andrews
Mark Winter
Iain Fisher
John Elliot
Richard Ireson
Tony Giles
Mike Salmon

Adrian Richmond
Phil Ginn

Graham Andrews opened the meeting at 17:17

Reference to the issues raised at the last meeting

  • Philip Armes “the art of a Farrier”, a date was sent out previously on the WhatsApp group, the date is the 1st of August at 11 o’clock replies to be sent to Ann to collate.
  • Caister Castle car museum date was set for the 20th of August, look out for this on the WhatsApp group.
  • TR Wensum Group Questionnaire, Suggestion Box feedback would be followed up by John Elliot. He will send out a full questionnaire to all members through mail chimp. He will need to be trained in its use, then create the questionnaire on line.
  • Members activities; Mark will ask the members for their TR related stories to draft a year book after the busy summer is over.
  • Regalia list; Iain highlighted a Consumable list so if you would like to purchase any, contact Iain. Items available: Enamel grill badges (17 off) Window screen Stickers (47 off) Lapel badges (20 off)
  • Drive to the Railway Arms, North Elmham; The 3rd of July was put out on the WhatsApp group to meet at 6:30 for 7:00 most of the food orders have been taken.
  • Lotus factory and Museum trip was discussed on the WhatsApp group but although there was some response, due to its cost there was little uptake on this trip.
  • Jersey and Guernsey trip; a limited response on the WhatsApp group but the consensus was due to the size of the islands, club members would organise the trip without needing a Tour provider. There are lots of planning in advance needed to make the trip acceptable for everyone and therefore whoever would like to go will need to get together and create a plan.

Mark will ask around the members and follow this up for next year.

  • The lost 7 members; These members have no phone numbers or email address listed at the TR Register. Those members will be contacted by letter one more time to gain information, but if there is no response then we can only assume that they are not willing to be involved in the group.
  • Any other business; Adrian is now in charge of the TR Action magazine posts, taking over from Anne. Any information you wish to be included don’t hesitate to send the information to Adrian and if he has the room, he will try his best to get it in the magazine.

The RAF Marham trip has been organised and the people who were lucky enough to be pulled out of the hat are being contacted with the details.

The garden visit to East Ruston was suggested and the date will be added to the events calendar.

Membership update;

Tony has spent hours and hours understanding the membership, 8 members were not on the April TR register list, those members were discussed and 2 were identified and have since joined the TR Register, but the others cannot be identified.

There are 135 current paid up members, we had 2 new members this year. 10 members are not on mail chimp at present. 15 have no mobile phone number registered and we’re sent emails, 10 have read the email requesting the information but no one has responded.

The Wensum group will refrain from chasing up past members who haven’t renewed, just in case there are sensitive issues in the household.

All participants on the WhatsApp group who are not members have been contacted and removed.

Family members of which there are 8 have no email addresses logged, so they are not on mail chimp. We will contact the primary member of the families to ask if the family members would like to receive emails and add them to mail chimp if they wish.

Mail chimp is a internet based system which enables the members data to be held on a secure site approved by the TR Register. This then allows Tony to email everyone or just the committee members by tagging individuals and forming mini groups.

Mail chimp has real time feedback on emails such as how many opened the email or responded.

There is a very busy schedule in the club events list which is continuously updated.

We would like your input if you feel we are not covering your needs.

Drive outs have become very complicated and need to be organised. The TR Register need to be informed if we are organising a run with a leaving place and time, then await a response, a list needs to be provided, if someone turns up on the day they will not be allowed to join as they would not be on the list.

Don’t forget there is a Track day organised by the TR register and the TR register International car show is coming up at the end of the month.

Meeting closed at 18:55

Next recap meeting will be organised by the committee members asap, and to be held at the Bird in hand as Graham is unable to meet during the summer months.

Wensum Group

Click the pins for meeting details, venue information and times