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Social Scene 309

Social Scene 309

Thames Valley Group – Social Scene Traction 309

David Goswell writes:

One Swallow doesn't make a Summer, but 30 degrees and near drought does…...Hottest summer since 1976, confirmed.

Mind you as I write this, Summer is fading into Autumn and driving home from the pub in the evening needs the roof up or a woolly hat…But what a summer we had !

Kicked off with TVG's attendance at The International in Lincoln, see picture, where we were without the great catering supplied, in the past, by David and Belinda, This meant that Janet & I organised the BBQ, Bacon etc. ably assisted by the rest of the team. Up went 6 tents plus a gazebo in an area near to the long grass and trees, very useful considering the distance to the uniquely ancient toilets. Travelling up on the Friday was tough thanks to the Dartford Crossing, M25, A14…I could go on and so the free beer and some food drove us on to get ready early. No FOOD !, luckily we convinced the chippy to turn out something; nobody told him he would have customers that evening ! Erected our old flag pole which annoyingly likes to collapse, have ordered a new one from Jo in the Office.

Woke early in the morning, well in fact we had all been awake most of the night as Summer decided to revert to Winter that night. Re-erected the flag pole, cooked Breakfast, and headed for the excellent showers, though I gather Wayne wasn't impressed with his door lock ! Headed to the displays as was worried the crowds of public, due to arrive would buy everything. Wasn't crushed by the 50 who turned up. Re-erected the flag pole again.

Saturday turned out to be an excellent day, very warm (even at night), our BBQ worked well with another 3 TVG TR's joining us and the live music was excellent. Good Show. Flag pole collapsed, threw it in the boot.

Packed up Sunday with Peter and Bill leaving to head for The Le Mans Classic.

Moving forward to August and we attend, most years, The Cranleigh Classic Car show which attracts a very large volume of cars and makes a good deal of money for The Lions Club. The normal problem with the show is the drive round a very dusty field that defeats the objective of polishing our cars. This year it decided to rain just about all day so up went the trusty gazebo, which is always a laugh as Don is in only person who really knows how it comes together. Those that did apply lots of polish were able to proudly watch as the rain ran off their cars. Became very wet constantly re-erecting the flag pole !

Moving on a week and 10 TR's, plus a Stag, attended the Capel Car Show. 600 cars in attendance and full sunshine, great day. If our Flag pole doesn't go soon it could get messy.

Janet and I were able to attend C4RFest South thanks to the great organisation by Phil Horsley, Kennet Valley. Phil was able to demonstrate how a proper Flag Pole works, making me very envious. The show was quite amazing, alas the weather drove us away a bit early.

As I sign off I have received two sets of flag poles, don't ask, from the office which will mean TVG can proudly stand up with the others. Thanks Jo.

Our regular meetings are: The Abinger Hatch on the second Wednesday of each month from 20:00, with the main meeting from 12:00 at The Surrey Oaks on the last Sunday.We're a friendly bunch and new members are always welcome.Please see TR Register website for more information

Thames Valley Group

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