TR Action London Group Report for issue 303
Wow another year gone already, as I sit writing this, the Christmas Party 2017 seems only a distant memory even though it was only last weekend. The Turks Head in Twickenham was the venue for what turned out to be one of our livelier Christmas Parties. We completely took over their Restaurant area, which has an around the corner, open access bit to their extended bar, our year in pictures being displayed on their 50-inch TV screen within the Restaurant gained many admiring comments from the Bar. The Turks head looked after us very well and good cheer flowed throughout the meal. Our now traditional Intro Music quiz this year included TV themes and the Feely bags were passed round for each team to fondle lovingly and smell (?) to try to determine their contents. I forget which team actually won our games bit, but I know that they received all round applause & praise, thanks must go to Moss Europe who once again supported our Christmas Raffle. Then finally came the Awards, the London Group has three awards; The "TR Nut"– presented to the individual who has basically attended every event known to man, "The Piston from above" – Presented to the Individual who through no fault of their own has experienced unexpected bad luck regarding their TR and finally the "Dip stick" – Presented to the individual who has made a very public mistake, in many cases this has involved navigation. I am proud to announce that for the third year in succession, I am the proud recipient of this esteemed award "The Dipstick" now hangs in pride of place in the small room downstairs. The "TR Nut" recipient was again a repeat of 2016. To illustrate the dedication of the recipient Alan Jones within TR Action issue 301 he managed to get 4 pictures of himself and his beautiful TR3A, one of them as the featured car within another group's social scene report! Plus, his face appears at least once in almost every album in our gallery thus making him a very worthy recipient of this award.
The Third and final award the" Piston from Above" was hotly contested, one member purchased a new front Grille for his 3A - which resulted in his car overheating, another who bought beautiful metal sheathed pipes - which caused dramatic pre-ignition. However, the winner was Peter Keefe with his lovely Blue TR6 (gorgeous colour that), who on May the 4th (be with you) delivered his car for an engine tune, it was returned approximately 10 weeks later on the 6th July after a list of unexpected jobs that included such things as a fully rebuilt front suspension, replaced prop shaft, replaced engine mounts, replaced clutch et cetera a list to long to record here, again a very worthy recipient.
So on to 2018 our 6-month calendar of events listing all arrangements and details, should, by the time you read this be completed, checked, published in our gallery and distributed to all London Group members with an email address. I would like to take this opportunity to thank both my committee members and the greater part of the group for all the support I received in 2017. I hope that 2018 will meet all your expectations. So finally, then come and join us for a noggin and a natter over a beer, you are most welcome. You can generally find us on the third Thursday of every month at the Star Inn Malden Rushett or on the 1st Thursday of the month at different locations please keep an eye on your emails or on the web site - both now start from about 8:30pm