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TR Action Report London Group presented for issue 300

TR Action Report London Group  presented for issue 300

Wow this year is flying by, Of course the first major event was the IWE the last one in Malvern I believe. I think it's safe to say that all who attended thoroughly enjoyed themselves, we took our usual corner spot and filled it with 10 cars and various Tents. We all thoroughly enjoyed the free beer on Friday night, played our music quite loudly, set fire of course to our fire pit and then on Saturday after enjoying all that the IWE can offer, buying the odd thing that we really need from the Auto stands, watching the events in the Arena and of course the auto solo we all headed out for what turned out to be a great Curry. After which I have absolutely no idea of what happened, but everyone said it was great. Congratulations must go to both Maria & Nick Loizu for their 2nd place in the Concours Standard TR6 with their very well turned out TR6 and of course to Mike Huber who was quite rightly awarded 1st Place TR7-8 Pride of ownership with his immaculate TR7 V8. Following on from our previous months visit to the Hanworth show in Royal Bushey Park we headed off into the eastern region of the London Group. This time to the Framlington Classic show, which like the Hanworth show in addition to some absolutely stunning cars had dancing, a bar, a band, a bouncy castle, Auto jumble and the obligatory Burger and coffee vans. Big thanks must go to Neil Kemp who was the main organiser of this event and of course to the Super 6 wheeled, electronically winged, sweet laden, metallic Red Minivan of Richard Cooper, which in my mind stole to show. This is definitely an event for next year's calendar. So what else were we up to well we had a very well attended Group meeting on the first Thursday at the Rose of York Richmond and then on the third Thursday of July we visited the Fox Inn at Coulsden Green. Finally, then come and join us for a noggin and a natter over a beer, you are most welcome. You can find us on the first Thursday of every month at the Rose of York in Richmond or on the third Thursday at an alternative venue (keep an eye on the web site - both start at about 8:30pm

London Group

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