LVG Events Calendar

Members and Friends
The 2025 calendar is already starting to fill and in the depths of Winter, we can only hope for some sunshine and warmth to get our cars out. We continue to meet at least monthly and some hardy souls attend in their TR’s, but you don’t need a classic to be in the club, or attend. Come along and say hello, it would be great to see you.
TRR - LVG Committee
Note: Monthly lunchtime meeting dates are always on the third Sunday
Bold type denotes LVG will be attending and members are especially encouraged to attend
Please check event website nearer the date to ensure accuracy.
Events that have a * are TRR organised or Eastern Area organised.
Please contact Phil or Mike for more details of any of the events listed. Phil: 07919 037321 - Mike: 07847 585120
Sun 16th - Sunday Lunchtime Meeting - Cock at Broom at 12 Noon
Sat 22nd - Sun 23rd - Shuttleworth Engineering Open Workshop weekend.
Tues 25th - Nene Valley Railway Flying Scotsman Footplate visit.
Sun 16th - Sunday Lunchtime Meeting - Cock at Broom at 12 Noon
Fri 21st - Sun 23rd - Classic Car & Restoration Show. NEC Birmingham.
Mon 24th - Fri 28th - Camb Followers 5 day adventure to Kent. Pre Booking essential.
Wed 2nd - Midweek Pub Meeting. Venue TBA
Sun 20th - Sunday Lunchtime Meeting - Cock at Broom at 12 Noon
Sun 27th - Drive it Day. This is a day when all Classics get out and about and LVG will this year organise a drive & picnic to Sywell Aviation Museum - NN6 0BN. Route TBA
Wed 7th - Midweek Pub Meeting. Venue TBA
Sun 11th - Shuttleworth “Premiere Air Show”
Sun 18th - Sunday Lunchtime Meeting - Cock at Broom at 12 Noon
Sat 31st - Shuttleworth “Military Air Show”
Sun 1st - Luton Festival of Transport. Stockwood Park Luton. LU1 5NT
Wed 4th - Midweek Pub Meeting. Venue TBA
Sun 15th - Sunday Lunchtime Meeting - Cock at Broom at 12 Noon
Sun 22nd - Standard Triumph Picnic, Leamington Spa. CV32 6RN
Sat 28th - Sun 29th - Shuttleworth “Festival of Flight” Air Show Weekend
Wed 2nd - Midweek Pub Meeting. Venue TBA
Wed 2nd - Classics in the Walled Garden. Luton Hoo
Thurs 3rd - Sun 6th - LeMans Classic, France
Sun 13th - Kimbolton Country Fair & Classic Car Show. Kimbolton Castle PE28 0EA
Sun 20th - Sunday Lunchtime Meeting - Cock at Broom at 12 Noon
Wed 23rd - Classics on the Common Harpenden Herts.
Sat 26th - Shuttleworth “Summer” Air Show
Wed 6th - Midweek Pub Meeting. Venue TBA
Sat 16th - Shuttleworth “Flying Proms” Air Show
Sun 17th - Sunday Lunchtime Meeting - Cock at Broom at 12 Noon
Sun 17th - Flitwick Classic Car & Bike Show
Fri 22nd - Sun 24th - Silverstone Festival Weekend
Sat 30th - Shuttleworth “Best of British” Air Show
Sun 7th - ⭐️ALL TRIUMPH DAY @ Shuttleworth⭐️. joint event with TSSC. Last year we had 250 Triumphs attend. Let’s beat that in 2025.
Wed 17th - Wed 24th - Isle of Man Festival - 5 LVG cars attending. Organised by Scenic Car Tours https://www.iommotoringevents....
Sun 21st - Sunday Lunchtime Meeting - Cock at Broom at 12 Noon
Sat 20th -Sun 21st - Sywell Piston & Props. Sywell Aerodrome, Northamptonshire.
Sun 5th Shuttleworth Race Day Air Show
Sun 19th - Sunday Lunchtime Meeting - Cock at Broom at 12 Noon
Fri 7th - Sun 9th - Lancaster Classic Car Show. NEC Birmingham
Sun 16th - Sunday Lunchtime Meeting - Cock at Broom at 12 Noon
Sun 14th - Sunday Lunchtime Meeting – Cock at Broom - Christmas Lunch - Pre booking essential. NOTE DATE CHANGE AS 3rd Sunday a bit close to Christmas Day.