Social Scene 328
Allan Jezzard Writes:-
There really isn’t much going on. You didn’t need me to tell you that but I was thinking of a way to open this report when TRA 327 dropped through the letterbox. So after a brief glance at Social Scene, I turned to the TR6 Registrar’s report. Thank you, thank you, Derek Graham. Your first paragraph sums it up nicely, and I now don’t have to worry about being called a “Southern Softie”.
Veronica & I have both had our covid jabs now (I think sufficient numbers of others have had theirs too so I shouldn’t get lynched for saying this) which we trust is the way forward in order to live with this dreadful virus. There’s hope that by the end of March or early April some pubs may take their shutters down, partially anyway, so that we might have some low-key meetings but we’ll have to wear our winter woollies as they’re almost bound to be outdoors only. Come on, we’ve managed to bear everything they’ve thrown at us up ‘til now so we will “acclimatise” to a new directive.
I’ve been pleasantly surprised that East Saxons have acquired several new members in the course of the last year, so a warm welcome is extended to all those joiners. I can assure you that we do normally have a full programme of events to offer but we’re holding fire until the future is a little more assured. I do recall all the angst surrounding our “on-off” weekend away to the Isle of Wight last May, which ultimately had to be cancelled, but be assured, I’m certain it will be re-booked once we know the time is right. Not just yet though!
In summary, please stay with us, things can only get better – we have to believe that! And keep an eye on emails, the website and our WhatsApp Group posts to learn what will go ahead.