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Social Scene Report - TR Action 306

Social Scene Report - TR Action 306

TR Action 306

Submission Date: 2nd May

Publication date: 4th June 2018

At the time of your reading this it is probably early June: at the time of writing it is mid April. We have just had our first taste of spring and of some spring sunshine which lasted a few warm, balmy days, after which the weather then retreated back towards something more autumnal with much cooler weather, mists and showers - just in time for Drive-It-Day. But first, the high points.

Congratulations to the TR Register for the award of National Car Club of the Year at the Practical Classics Classic Car and Restoration Show at the NEC in March. In early April the Derbyshire Dales Group hosted the TR Register Spring Ball at the Casa Hotel, Chesterfield. Once again this was a great success with some seventy people attending in twenty-eight TRs and two Stags. The Friday offered a guided tour, then a buffet dinner with a car seat construction competition, using only balloons, sticky tape and string, (see photo) then dinner & entertainment from a comedian/magician (well worth a video). Saturday offered a run through the Derbyshire and Staffordshire Dales in which 13 cars, hoods down for most of the way, took part. This was followed by a black-tie dinner and raffle, with entertainment from a favourite group of the Derbyshire Dales, The ziPt, a reformed version of The Pitz, and every bit as good. Sunday saw a tour of the Barrow Hill Round House, the last surviving engine shed housing an operational rail engine turntable complete with several steam and diesel rail engines. A very fine and enjoyable weekend; congratulations to Dave Burgess and team for an exceptional event enjoyed by all.

April also saw our usual club night at The Amber Hotel at Oakerthorpe on the second Wednesday, well-attended but sans any TRs owing to inclement weather. There followed our Drive-it-Day run though the Derbyshire Peak District which at least one motoring journal reported as being of 'heat wave conditions' on the day, although this feature seemed to miss our part of our Kingdom. Our run was organized by David and Val Sygrove and took in many popular roads carefully selected to follow the high and scenic roads of the Peaks.Strangely, we saw very few other classic cars, although we offered twelve TRs and two E-Types to lend attraction to the area. Our coffee stop was the Yondermann Café, always popular, and lunch was at The Old Hall Hotel. Most had hoods-up by the time we reached the Old Hall, but were down again as we departed.

May, unfortunately, has seen the cancellation of Peter & Maggie Sloss' weekend run to Elgood's Brewery, Wisbech, although they have now taken on the organization of another run later in the year.

25th May will have seen the new Data Protection Act coming into force and to what extent of its impact on individual Groups within the TR Register – no doubt that we can look forward to more information from the Centre in due course.

May will have seen several of our members attending the Donington Historic Festival and the Spa Classic, and June will see attendances at the Gordon Bennett Irish Classic and the TR Register Tours Spanish Tour.

Meanwhile the Derbyshire Dales Webpages continues to develop; we now have a section covering major projects being undertaken by our members, and these reviews will be updated periodically, we also regularly update our Photo Gallery which now contains shots covering most of the events described here.

Up-and-Coming Events:

Friday 8th to Sunday 10th June

–Derbyshire Dales Peak Weekend, Alison House, Cromford. By now this event is likely to have been fully subscribed. However, if you fancy your chances in trying for a cancellation, please contact our organiser, Dave Worne. For full details see the TR Register website.

Wednesday 13th June

-Club night at The Amber Hotel, Oakerthorpe, nr Alfreton. Start 7.30pm.

Friday June 29th to Sunday July 1st

-The TR Register International Weekend at the Lincoln Showground now combines with Pistons in the Park Classic Edition, the Standard Triumph Marque Weekend and the National Weekend for Club Triumph and hence promises a blockbuster weekend for most things Triumph and anything classic. Altogether an exceptional event.

Wednesday 11th July

-Club night and BBQ, run by John & Lynne Biggin, at The Amber Hotel, Oakerthorpe, nr Alfreton. Start 7.30pm.

Wednesday 8th August

-Club night at The Amber Hotel, Oakerthorpe, nr Alfreton. Start 7.30pm.

For a more comprehensive schedule of events please refer to the Derbyshire Dales Website

Derbyshire Dales Group

Click the pins for meeting details, venue information and times