Chiltern TR Group - News 11 January 2025
Dear Friends
I hope you are keeping safe and warm.
Our next meeting will be lunch time on Saturday 18th January. The message below from Aidan explains all -
Dear Chiltern TR Colleagues,
As discussed at last Wednesday’s meeting, our January mid monthly get together will be for lunch next Saturday 18th January at The Pheasant, Windmill Street, Brill, Bucks HP18 9TG (, meeting there at 12 noon.
The Pheasant itself is located close to the windmill on Brill Common and in addition to the roadside, there is a parking area on the common between the pub and the windmill.
They only serve fresh food which is cooked to order and in addition to their menu, I would also suggest that you look at their “Specials” board for some other excellent options as well.
Where I have made an initial booking, please would you confirm back to me as quickly as possible (either by e-mail or text) that hopefully you will be able to join us, in order that I can then confirm our exact numbers to The Pheasant.
Thanks, I look forward to hearing back from you and to hopefully seeing you at 12 noon next Saturday (18th).
Best regards
Tel: 07836-530780
Now a plea for assistance with the Spares Day at Stoneleigh Park. Please read the message from Jeff Roberts and if you are willing to help out, please get in touch.
Hi Peter,
Happy New Year to you - trust everything is fine at Chilterns!
The reason I'm contacting you is to ask if you or your group could provide some assistance for the Register's presence at this year's MG & Triumph Spares Day at Stoneleigh.
We're looking for someone to drive a transit van from Didcot to Stoneleigh on Saturday, 8th February so we can set up the TR Register stand in readiness for the show the following day. The van will be preloaded ready to go by someone else and there will be helpers at the show to unload and reload the van on Saturday and at the end of the show and then to unload the van at Didcot - so the driver doesn't need to be involved in loading/unloading unless they wish to give a hand.
If the driver wishes to be accompanied by his or her partner or friend that's fine. A free ticket(s) to the show will be provided in addition to overnight accommodation plus any fuel costs for travelling back and forth from home to Didcot in their private vehicle.
In my experience, such a task can be fun, my wife Lesley and I having taken a van to the Scottish Weekend a few years ago and to the Silverstone Festival in 2023.
It would be great if you or anyone from your group could be of assistance. If you'd like more detail please call me on my mobile at 07582 303213 anytime.
All the best,
Jeff Roberts
Strategy Director
That’s all for now. Catch up soon and stay warm !