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Newsletter (Round Robin) March 2020

The start of the Driving Season

Two things of note and they both involve getting some miles on the cars.

First is the photo shoot for the 50th Anniversary of the Register. This will take place on Sunday 15th of March at Beaumanor Hall, nr Leicester their postcode is LE12 8TX. The marshalling for the photos will begin at 10.30 am and it is hoped to get as many TR,s and derivatives as possible in order to spell out 50 for aerial shots. If you have a Peerless, Warwick, Doretti, Italia, Dove or Grinall you will be especially welcomed. A buffet lunch will be available but you must book this direct with the Hall on 01509 890119, (they are open 8.00 am to 5.00 pm) and advise them that you will be with the LTRGB party. I will be leaving mine (Glemsford nr Sudbury) about 7.30 am so if you would like to go in convoy let me know.

Second is Drive it Day Sunday 26th of April which will be a drive through some of the area's quieter (hopefully) roads followed by lunch and then meeting up with other groups at a specific point. If you wish to take part please let me know as I will need numbers for lunch.

Don't forget Bobs Big quiz night - next Tuesday 10th March 8:00 pm at The Manger.

See the following links for details of our future events.

Year Planner

Abbott & Stour Events

Stewart Hurrell, tel. 01787 282176.

Abbott and Stour Group

Click the pins for meeting details, venue information and times