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Newsletter (Round Robin) December 2019

Annual General Meeting

The roads were dry and the sun was out so what better time to take the TR out, what a brilliant blast in the car even though it was nearly freezing - should be on the NHS as an alternative to anti-depressants.

Club night on Jan 14th 2020 will be the AGM so if you would like to have your input as to how your Group is run then attend.

The running order is:

  1. Receive apologies for absence

  2. Approve the Minutes of the last AGM

  3. Adopt the accounts

  4. Elect the committee

Most of the committee have agreed to stand for re-election, that is:

  • Bob for the April Showers Run and Quiz Master extraordinaire

  • Rob for Autumn Leaves Run

  • Vince as "Tech man"

  • David and Peter to handle the finances

  • Peter to be shows co-ordinator

  • Mr Chang as club mascot (if you do not know about this then you have not been to any club meetings)

The one position that is vacant is Group Leader. When I agreed to this, it was for a two year term, as I have been in this position for three years my maths is questionable! If you would like to be the new Group Leader, e-mail me asap. I will of course help you take over, its not that bad but my reason for relinquishing this post is 4 grandchildren and the ability to take more holidays!


Stewart Hurrell or 01787282176.

Abbott and Stour Group

Click the pins for meeting details, venue information and times