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Leaking sump-gasket

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I have had the oil pan off for changing the thrust washers.

Now I have a leak at the sump-gasket. It looks like it is in front and at the back. I have used well-seal on both sides of the new sump-gasket.

Is it possible that the leak is around some of the bolt-heads, especially those at the front and at the back.

And another thing: 

Now I have a higher oil-pressure than before. At start up it is around 6 kg/cm2 at tick-over and when warm it is almost 5 kg/cm2 at tick-over.

That is all about 1 kg/cm2 more than before.

I always used Penrite 20-50 oil but have now changed to Penrite 20-60. Can that make the difference in oil pressure? 

And do I have to worry about too high oil pressure?

Cheers Tage

Edited by 15eren
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  • 15eren changed the title to Leaking sump-gasket

Hi Tage

Flow is more important than pressure so I wouldn't be too worried by it. Sump is the flange flat? It's worth spending some time flattening the flange with a dolly you should only need 8-10ft/lbs to seal. Some will frown on it but I used a thin smear of this https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/167024749248?_skw=vw+gasket+sealer&epid=249614517&itmmeta=01JAAVBK4J9KTT6T544BAVT26E&hash=item26e3736ac0:g:9PgAAOSwaq5nDgHr&itmprp=enc%3AAQAJAAAA8HoV3kP08IDx%2BKZ9MfhVJKnZKK3dygZ5BZ1ZIWDaBjFstoajH1Yxu5bGB7p4Het6MRCor6Li1NApt6fLemOK%2FtKUtPXYdoDiYkpZG9gzlS7yNYBjS0PkmOz26xcH0308v%2FLNtgrKxEh79XLig8lH%2FkNk%2FCBm6F4euUhxOZDfcztMODtLHBBExNZTF1UxMYWeuIzmYRoZMHgeZcwTHfaAGVWl3xdTKiyWArJdVMHED5D%2F%2BsSbh1usST2i3z56ZPfvOLfcncss9axjq0T%2BCWWdYc%2FpTXw10KV%2BKh9A3z4yyXGDr%2B2lv8TvUkMaD8%2B8rw2SDA%3D%3D|tkp%3ABk9SR7SyrtvSZA.

Its the best stuff I've found to seal most automotive gaskets including the head gasket/rocker tubes which so far have remained bone dry.


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There are 2 bolts in the sump, one at the front and one at the rear that go into the inside of the block, just now I don't remember which ones they are, but if you take yours off again its worth a check, use a screwdriver into each hole, and 2 will go inside the block, all the others are blind, I have used copper washers at those places to help seal the threads.

As said by Andy check that the tin is not bent up where the bolts go thru, also the 2 front middle ones only go into the aluminium block bridge piece, so be careful with the torque on those bolts.

Is the breather clear on the rocker cover, there can be quite a bit of pressure inside when the engine is running, pup off the filler cap with the engine running and see how much pressure you have in there, that pressure will find any weak spot to leak thru!


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