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Harewood hill climb red flagged….

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Red flagged at Harewood for being too fast …… as I caught up with preceding  TR4


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Checked on this today and incredibly this video has had 22,000 views in just a few weeks !!!

most of my TR films get 300-600 ish views so this one must have found its way onto to some YouTube suggestion logarithm ?

perhaps I should get red flagged more !!!???


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8 minutes ago, jerrytr5 said:

So, do you get a pound for each viewing?


I wish !

parts of pence at most based on the adverts that YouTube select and if they are full advert or skip-able. 

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17 hours ago, 2long said:

I love the transition to more leisurely visor-up driving once you got the red flag!  


Ha ha yes quick transition from competition mode. 

16 hours ago, roy53 said:

And the cause of the misfire was ???

I have couple theories and they could be combined 

I have been abusing this engine with mainly competition outings with few road runs in between.

this means that all my outings are max effort from cold. Well just hot coolant  not very warm oil etc with over an hour between runs it retains little temps. And I think this has glazed the bores and worn the piston rings so low compression. It was down to about 155psi for my last few events and was blowing oil into the catch tank. 

and it’s always on the first run of the day after the car has been outside all night and often after open towing. Thus I think dampens elecs.

as once warmed the misfire stops typically during 1st half of a run. 
doesn’t manifest itself when revving with out on load. And disappears for the day.

will probably be re-ringing and  honing for a refresh  .


finishing 2nd overall in the championship 3 years running takes its toll. It’s an amazing engine  so responsive and acceleration is amazing  



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Seems like you have an answer re need to really warm it up.

Not something i have encountered . May be needs a slightly richening as seems like it is asking for choke on startup.


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If it’s cold I tend to get a sticky valve on cyl 4 sometimes, so warming up gets rid of this.

The other thing to look for is a plug lead being pulled slightly and easing off the plug, usually going round a corner … I was watching your late Alex’s and this might be the issue too !



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