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Wind deflectors

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Is this the item that stands behind driver and passenger to stop the wind blowing your hair in your face?

If correctly positioned and height they are an improvement to the coefficient of drag on a sports cars without the roof erected.    I witnessed this in wind tunnel tests on modern convertible cars.  It does all change though with windows up or down.

Avoid the clear plastic sheet type, they cause different turbulence    The type that has a mesh is superior.

Ebay has people selling them, mostly from Europe, although a couple are UK stocked.

search.   https://www.ebay.co.uk/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_trksid=p2332490.m570.l1313&_nkw=triumph+TR4.++TR6+wind+deflector+breeze+breaker&_sacat=0

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I installed one of those, i know it does not look stock but long distance is way more confortable without the wind blast from the back.  They mount on the seat belts bolts and go off in 2 secs.


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