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Wiper Motor numbering

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Hi Folks,

I tried to be helpful on another forum regarding the TR4 and TR4A wiper motor numbering.

I thought that the TR4 was a DR3A

And the TR4A motor was a DR3

This caused an issue as a member has them the other way round.

Moss agree with my numbering but one comment came back that Moss are not always right  - Hmmmm.

The more I look the more confusing it all gets.

One MG site gives them back to front as do other supposedly good sites.


Is there a reliable listing anywhere that gives some good info. There is also a 77xxx number that may give the answer



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31 minutes ago, Grahamgl said:

Hi Roger,

Wouldn’t AlanT know the answer?


He would but along with a lot of other very knowledgeable folk he doesnt post here anymore.


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During the production the Sidescreen cars a variation of Wiper Motor were fitted : Models CRT, DR1, DR2 and DR3.

Additionally a number of the last TR3A's were fitted with DR3A wiper motors.

However, all TR4's and TR4A's were fitted with DR3A wiper motors.

Some years ago Ian Gibson wrote a very detailed article in TRaction which relates the entire history of Wiper Motors.

I have attached a copy of the article for your information.

Regards, Richard



TRaction - Ian Gibson Article on wiper motors.PDF

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Thanks Richard,

I shall have a good read of that.

PS -having read the article ,it doesn't rally give the answer that I wanted.   I think basically it is all a mish mash created by TRiumph to give everybody some fun in sorting out


Hi Kevin,

it is becoming apparent that it is the five digit code  75xxx that tells the full story.



Edited by RogerH
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Hi Roger,

This sounds interesting...?

What is your exact query..?

I have taken the information from the article and compiled a list of wiper motors used, including gear sweeps, etc.

I have all the period Lucas Spare Part Catalogues 1953 to 1972 which contain much detailed information such as, brushes, shaft & gear, armatures, coils, parking switches, plus photos.

Regards, Richard 

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Hi Richard,

Yesterday  I replied to a post on the TRiumph Experience forum.

As well as helping with a couple of technical wiper motor concerns I also stated (idiot that I am) that the DR3 motor was for the TR4A and the DR3A

was for the TR4.  Clearly this is not true - but that is what I was lead to believe a long time ago.

Immediately, if not quicker, somebody questioned my sanity.  I backed it up with the info on the Moss WebCat. 

That was quickly put to bed stating that Moss have been known to be wrong !!!!!   Surely  not.

I started to look at the five digit numbering (75xxx) to see if that clarified things- it may do but i could not find enough info to support it.

So, I suppose my question is - is there any sense to the numbering that Lucas/ST put on their wiper motors.



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Hi Charlie,

I had also just been reading those.  Interesting but nothing for TR4A.

They clearly show DR3A   with the 75xxx code  but not much help otherwise.


I think I will just put it down to ST chaos.



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Hi Roger,

The part numbering is just a Lucas system which had sense and organisation  which they understood.

The link to the "400e" publication is only part of the information as it has no information for car or model.

The other two are for years 1962 and 1965 and so pre-date the TR4A thus have no TR4A information.

The information is quite simple for the TR4A as they were only fitted with one type of wiper motor :

TR4A – 1966 Standard fitment – DR3A 75568A – two speed (shaft & gear 54714897, 120 degree sweep)

Regards, Richard

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The 1967 Lucas catalogue of equipment and service parts CCE 902/67 lists five variants of the DR3A motor, but is coy as to whether these are single or twin speed. They are: 75446A/D fitted to all Herald variants, 75446A fitted to the Vitesse 2 litre saloon and convertible, 75607B fitted to the GT6, 75568A fitted to the TR4A, 75528A fitted to Spitfire Marks II and III and 75457A fitted to the Leyland 15 van and pick - up truck (petrol) and  20 van and pick-up truck (petrol and OE138 diesel. The 2000 saloona mnd estate were fitted with a model 6W motor, a very different design and a DL2 wss fitted to the Leyland '90' (Home) AND 2 Tonne (Export) (OE160 engine)

The original wiper motor on my 4A is marked   DR3A         54071382 and is twin speed. 

                                                                                   12V 4 66 75568A



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Intriguing thread. I've now found out that I have a Herald wiper motor in my 1966 TR4A! DR3A 75446D. Only seems to have single speed, quite quick, with no self park. Probably the original 3 position pull switch on the dash for a 2 speed motor.

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Hi Les,

what do the connections on the back plate look like -  are they fly leads or fixed female spades.

Fly leads would suspect two speed

Spade fittings single speed.

But then looking at the chaotic numbering it could be a 9 speed with derailleur gears.



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4 hours ago, Les Millington said:

Intriguing thread. I've now found out that I have a Herald wiper motor in my 1966 TR4A! DR3A 75446D. Only seems to have single speed, quite quick, with no self park. Probably the original 3 position pull switch on the dash for a 2 speed motor.

Hi Les

Yes all TR4a’s as far as I know have a two speed wiper switch. My DR3a has two speeds which seem to work only AFTER getting the wiring correct ( there is a separate thread on here somewhere with photos of the correct switch/ motor configuration. It previously worked on a single speed only until wired correctly so worth checking that.

I’m not so sure about the non self park though. That could be a fault?


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5 hours ago, RogerH said:

Hi Les,

what do the connections on the back plate look like -  are they fly leads or fixed female spades.

Fly leads would suspect two speed

Spade fittings single speed.

But then looking at the chaotic numbering it could be a 9 speed with derailleur gears.



Fly leads instead of spades does not indicate 2 speed.  Although a lot were.  You need to add in reverse parking   And the thermal cut out switch (usually a blue wire I think) 

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Just been out braving a hoard of midges to check this:(The connectors on the wiper motor itself are male spades with fixed female spades on the wires. The top terminal goes to earth nearby and it quite rusty so could that be the self park fault? Terminal 1 is red, 2 is green, but bear in mind the car has had a substantial rewire by the PO. There is a red wire across the the body of the driving part of the wiper mechanism.

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  • 2 years later...
On 6/7/2022 at 8:45 AM, tim hunt said:

The 1967 Lucas catalogue of equipment and service parts CCE 902/67 lists five variants of the DR3A motor, but is coy as to whether these are single or twin speed. They are: 75446A/D fitted to all Herald variants, 75446A fitted to the Vitesse 2 litre saloon and convertible, 75607B fitted to the GT6, 75568A fitted to the TR4A, 75528A fitted to Spitfire Marks II and III and 75457A fitted to the Leyland 15 van and pick - up truck (petrol) and  20 van and pick-up truck (petrol and OE138 diesel. The 2000 saloona mnd estate were fitted with a model 6W motor, a very different design and a DL2 wss fitted to the Leyland '90' (Home) AND 2 Tonne (Export) (OE160 engine)

The original wiper motor on my 4A is marked   DR3A         54071382 and is twin speed. 

                                                                                   12V 4 66 75568A



In the course of adding intermittent wipe to my 4a I found this thread which was interesting, my Mar 65 car has the 2 speed DR3A motor with a slightly different number

(plus a dead bug :))



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5 minutes ago, RogerH said:

Hi David

Have a look at post dated 6th June above from Richard.

He actually quotes your number as the only one fitted to TR4A 2 speed.





75568 is two speed TR4A And TR250/5. Yours is dated 8  65.

Edited by BlueTR3A-5EKT
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It was the 54071383 number vice the 54071382 which Tim Hunt was quoting; don't know what difference that makes? Also if I assume the date is Aug 65, that is interesting as the car was built Mar 65; guess it got changed at some point!


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