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Anyone recognise this switch?

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7 hours ago, Z320 said:

Btw, the wooden floor is American Pitch Pine, like in my living room, very rare today if you want new.

Ciao, Marco

Good stuff Marco,

Now let’s have a proper thread drift and see where this ends up…….

Because…. It’s actually a table top, rather than the floor, and it’s Japanese!?……. When we acquired it many years ago it was striking for its design and covered all over in plaster (type substance?) which was then painted all over in quite exotic Far Eastern designs.

However, when the paint started to fade and stain and - more alarmingly - when the plaster started falling off (OK getting bashed off) at the corners and edges, rather than throw it away I stripped it back …… Interesting I did this basis the aforementioned design but mainly where the plaster had knocked off the sides and legs it looked like real quality hardwood underneath and I was a bit miffed, after all the effort, to then find the top inlay was actually done in ‘cheap’ Pine?!…….. I gave it a varnish anyway and it has rattled around the world with us since….

Perhaps if I take a picture someone on here will be able to tell us how old it is?……..

important footnote however……. Don’t go saying how valuable it would have been if some muppet had not stripped it - My brother in law has already been there!

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Hi Tony,

yes, great stuff to talk abouth something else!

If you look at Wikipedia you find out Amerikan Pitch Pine was not a special tree but a high quality pine wood with no knotholes.

It has been sold from Amerika all over the world - until the last tree felt. Like Meranti later. Different things have been made of it, mainly floors and ceiling linings,

Why don't le the japanese make a table from it - while I would expect more they use acer or tropical wood. But I dn't know.

Ciao. Marco


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There have be different „selections“, we have a less high quality in your staircase.

Your table looks nice but with the nails visible I guess it has been made to be plastered and fancy painted.

The mix of wood and use of soft wood also indicates this direction.

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