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I just wanted to thank Wayne, Mick, Allan and the MT for working with us to effect some more change on our forum.

This new section, is intended to be an area where members and non members alike can share subjects of mutual interest in

an atmosphere of conviviality and friendliness, to the mutual benefit of all.

We do intend to make further slight changes to section titles etc., in the future, for now Alecs Inn, remains

our members only section.


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  • 3 weeks later...
1 hour ago, jerrytr5 said:

But this is Members only as well as Alec's Inn. I'm perplexed why there are now two areas for essentially the same thing.


Hi Jerry,

This section isn't members-only, it's open to all Forum users. 


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Ah, Bob; understood.

The intent is to use this space for open social threads (birthdays, jokes, general chat about world/local events.what-have-you) and for Alec's Inn in the members-only section for more private, club-related topics for TRR members only.


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No, I meant that you have to sign in to use it, just as you do for Alec's Inn. Or is there a distinction between a member of the forum and a member of the club?

Still baffled.


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Indeed Jerry is correct.

Why can you not read the Social Scene without signing in. This is madness.

There is nothing private or sensitive there


This was raised recently and I thought it was going to be sorted.   The TR Chat forum is not in self isolation.



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Easy folks, easy,

Any forum user should be able to see the Social Scene Section, in the same way as all other sections other than Alecs Inn, that is indeed the point of an open section.

If there is a technical issue here, then we will sort it, thanks for letting us know.


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Hi all,

answer to the questiion from Wayne;-


"Users that are not logged in can read the social scene forum but not post until they are logged in. This is the case across the board and it prevents spammers from taking hold. Creating a free account is a step that most spam bots can’t manage. If I allow guests to post, we will be inundated I promise. 


Be aware also that as a publicly viewable forum it will now be constantly scraped and analysed by hackers and viruses looking for personal details, email addresses etc so keep an eye on what people are posting and remove if you can see someone putting themselves in danger by posting addresses or bank details etc". 



Timely warning as well, we are all responsible for ourselves, take heed.



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  • 3 months later...
On 2/20/2020 at 11:56 PM, John Morrison said:

I just wanted to thank Wayne, Mick, Allan and the MT for working with us to effect some more change on our forum.

This new section, is intended to be an area where members and non members alike can share subjects of mutual interest in

an atmosphere of conviviality and friendliness, to the mutual benefit of all.

We do intend to make further slight changes to section titles etc., in the future, for now Alecs Inn, remains

our members only section.


lots of stuff flying around at the minute, about plots, sub plots, intentions to do things, all mixed up with some history, some accurate, some rewritten.

I would ask, just what is ambiguous about the above?


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On 2/20/2020 at 11:56 PM, John Morrison said:

We do intend to make further slight changes to section titles etc., in the future

Great stuff, John & al., 

Since "inspired by the promising title of this section, may I draw your attention to recent exchanges about the likes/dislikes mechanism on our Forum which, as several people have pointed out, are not aligned with the norm in Forum practice on comparable sites? Namely, anonymity is the rule here, but not elsewhere.

Food for thought?

Furthermore, if people disagree, wouldn't it be kinder to say why you disagree?

I personally stand over my opinions. I do appreciate that it takes longer to have a dialogue than ticking someone off, but it may be friendlier in the context of club ethos, perhaps?

Edited by DavidBee
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