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About reginald

  • Birthday 12/03/1963

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  1. There's an article in the last TRAction magazine about the speedo calibration and testing the cable runs OK. Richard
  2. Hi I did the same a few years ago, similar winch. I tilt it slightly forward so it aligns with the screen surround first. One man job. Richard
  3. Hi I had the same issue early July, I was rear ended (by a stag) as it was an insurance claim I have taken it to TR GB as they were insurance registed repairers. It has just been ortherised by the insurers , so waiting repair. Back panel and lights damaged + a crease in the inner O/S wheel arch, next to the fuel tank behind the back boot board which I hadn't noticed. On my inspection, apparently it is quite common to go there as the inner boot panel is pushed back.
  4. Hi I fitted CDD power steering over Christmas, the earlier version ran from the crank pully as described in the instructions on their webb site. The latest version drives from the water pump pully with a shorter drive belt new pump supplied with double pully. My observation when fitting which I did my self. Do not fit with the engine lifting Eye which instructions say can be left on if wished, with it left on the pump does not run square. The pump pully was 3mm out of alignment so I made some spacers to align it, this is noticeable with the short belt, the older version
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