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About had17462

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  1. I think I have a stainless twin rear box system will check tomorrow Nick
  2. Just pulled one of mine apart no o ring but the nylon adjuster screw is showing some damage ,which one is best to use Nick
  3. Hi Phill the guys on here have had many experiences with different shafts I think it comes down to budget what type of driving ,racing touring etc but if you can’t find out with the search option here googles your friend loads of opinions good luck Nick
  4. Yes I went with the family it was good lots of exhibits maybe get more out of it if really into F1 Nick
  5. Harry I have some u can have Nick
  6. Hi all still finding bits to build up the chassis etc come across this feed pipe are they worth fitting 6 cylinder ,also what’s this copper pipe for please let me know if you know regards Nick
  7. I think they look lovely ,I passed on one about 10 yrs ago in USA but iam sure we have all done that with some thing or another Nick
  8. Thx again took it apart today surprised how much debris came out if no good will buy another Nick
  9. Thx Bob will look at it tomorrow Nick
  10. Hi all , noticed the block drain above the starter motor dripping today is it a throw away and plug it like the later engines or can it be repaired/replace with new if available Nick
  11. Hi all just putting a rebuilt engine 6cylinder onto the chassis ,it hasn’t got the fan extension or fan attached and usually just fit an electric one but as I have the bits can I just fit them or should it have been balanced with the engine rebuild either way what’s the opinion on which way to go regards Nick
  12. Hi ,I think there was a post a few weeks ago about some track rods just don’t have enough thread /deep enough to wind them in Nick
  13. We have all done that over the years Nick
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