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Everything posted by 4Mal

  1. TR Enterprises fitted a heated screen in my TR4 during restoration. Many the day I was grateful for that Mal
  2. Happy New Year to all my TR mates and very best for 2025
  3. Pork Scratching sold after 12 months of fun ( and scratching ).

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. carld


      You did it then! Pictures please cheers Carl

    3. ianhoward


      What have you gone and done now?!!!!

    4. 4Mal


      996 probably in October....

  4. Old Porsche renamed. As it's all about scratching an itch, it's now called the "Pork Scratching"

    1. ianhoward


      Pig of a car Mal???!!!

    2. 4Mal


      oink...Not yet, but there is time.

  5. Collected Brunhilde and drove back facing the right way round. 18 month old Grandson staying with us for this week - slept 'through 'till 5am so not bad. How does he have so much energy at this time of day?

    1. 4Mal


      Back to just us oldies now. Grandson would walk into garage and look at Porsche and TR - would always chose the TR to sit in and go Brrmmm brrmmm. Boys got style and taste.

    2. ianhoward


      Excellent Mal!!!

  6. allergic reaction to some antibiotics....covered in 50 + red blotches and now training for the Olympic scratching event.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. dykins


      Why is Mal nasty??

    3. 4Mal


      Been to the Docs and got checked out. Taking anti histamines as well, but will take a while to go. Even bought a backscratcher from Amazon!

      Regards : Nasty Mal

  7. She doesn't like starting after a hot run and standing in the sun!! Just been on a cheesemaking course in Bakewell. Great run in the TR into the Peaks and came home with a few home made cheesy things.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Jersey Royal

      Jersey Royal

      Hmm Love a Bakewell Tart.

    3. 4Mal


      No Tarts.......

      But came home with a Mal Made Camembert (ish) a Lemon Cheese and some Mozzarella. Thoroughly Good day and some nibbles to bring back. The evening drive over the Peaks with the sun shining was magnificent. Didn't know that cheesemaking could be so simple(?) in the home environment. Hartingtons Cookery School. There are even photos of the event

    4. ianhoward


      Sounds good Mal!

  8. Collected the Car from TR Enterprises. Uprated OD sorted, plus some other bits. Woo Hoo indeed.( Thanks Guys )...and yes it did rain. Appreciated my new wiper switch!!

    1. ianhoward


      Hi Mal - what was the OD upgrade? ATB

    2. 4Mal


      Sending you an email Ian

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