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About unclepete

  • Rank
  • Birthday 10/22/1956

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Profile Information

  • Location
    Southend on Sea Essex
  • Cars Owned:
    TR3a 1958
    TR7 V8 1982
    TR6 CC 1969 (current)

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  1. AliExpress - Asian Ebay mostly Chinese.. A lot cheaper than Jenvey and comparing them side by side, well engineered.
  2. On EFI, I ordered 3 of these up, just in case I go down the Fuel Injection route! Fit on the Bastuck triple weber inlet manifold which I also have 'in stock'
  3. Should pull up Steve, however beware of stressing a weld! happy new year
  4. Bit of an update on the Gearbox Top cover Oil Seals. The O Rings and Seals arrived from Mayday and I played around with these for a while but wasn't happy with the twisting of the Quad Ring, in fact I was a little robust sliding the shafts in and out and managed to cut a chunk out of one on a shaft switch recess! No doubt, if I persevered, had a few quad rings spare, had 8 arms, I could probably get them to fit. I went for these instead 'Q4014 1.78mm Section 12.42mm Bore Quad Section NITRILE 70 Rubber X-Rings' From Simply Bearings. along with a 1.78 mm section 12.42 Bore standard O r
  5. Classic Fuel Injection Chelmsford. I quite like this idea as it uses the original Dizzy Cap - 4 or 6 cylinder. Not sure there is much of an advantage with our engines, having a crank sensor on the crank pulley?
  6. Same pipework configuration as a Phoenix. Thicker gauge stainless steel.
  7. Except for the manifold plate and a thicker gauge.
  8. I've got a Bastuck 6-3-1 fitted. Gave me no issues fitting, no clearance issues and not clouted a speed bump so far.
  9. Very Good By the way I've just checked my shafts and they have no holes?
  10. I don't want to go down the route of milling out the existing holes and don't think its neccessary. You can get various O rings, quad rings, Oil scraper seals to fit the existing shaft and recess. The depth of the recess measures 3.4mm, this encapsulates the Seal, O Ring or whatever, under a crush plate. Any longitudinal movement of the seal on the shaft renders it useless (the oil just runs out of the hole between the casing and the seal!). Any seal, of whatever type, needs to make contact between the shaft and the casting recess (the gearbox oil is under no pressure at this point). Ther
  11. Update. I have removed the Gearbox Top Cover and stripped it down. The O rings were in good nick (supple and unmarked) likewise the Shafts. However the recess in the Top cover is 3.4mm and the O ring is 2.6mm! How on earth these are supposed to keep Oil from dripping out of the Cover holes I don't know? They are totally unfit for purpose and, if they are what is supplied by the Big Boys, somebody needs to tell them! I have ordered up the Quad Seals and PTFE spacers from Mayday along with some more O rings and as I have a top hatch on the Gearbox cover I will adding some more O rings
  12. Thanks Roger ( and Guys) They look good, I'll give them a try. I will be fitting them on a bench so should be able to fiddle them in. I haven't got it out yet so will come back to you in due course.
  13. Having started work on my winter projects, which mostly revolve around the dash, heater, crash pads etc, I have thought it an ideal oportunity to look at the gearbox selector rod seals. This would require removal of the carpets, H frame and gearbox tunnel (fibreglass), always a Faff! So, without removing the gearbox, Is it possible to remove the gearbox top cover and have the clearance for the selector forks, reversing pin, etc? Watching Elin Yakov on YouTube 'Rusty Beauties', I am fairly confident about changing the seals and getting everything back together in the right order.
  14. Oh Pete! I've only just caught up with this news, whilst going through your posts, to sort out an article you have kindly contributed to 'ESP'! Hopefully your next project will be a another TR, after all, if you have accumulated all the tools and odds and sods to work on Katie, then another one would be a breeze!?! Glad to see you are sticking around...... The other Big Pete..
  15. How did it go Bob? Would be interested to see how a Head Retighten would go versus a new head gasket?
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